Angels...what can I say

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After you and the boys finished filming the scene where you healed Alex's character Jack, you knew it was going to be a long few days for the next few episodes. The director had told you there was a lot going to be crammed in these next episodes; you were worried not only for filming yourself but also for how tired Jensen was going to be. Every scene was either a hard fighting scene or something with a lot of special effects, which only meant they would be filming for a long time. 

To say you were excited for your next scenes was an understatement. You were fighting Jared and going to be teaming up with Misha and Alex. You read the script last night and burst out laughing as you read that you were fighting with Sam because he came over to you seeing your body over Jack and Sam thought you had killed him, but then Jack wakes up while Cas is arguing with Sam. 

You were on set already on your mark waiting for the boys when the director yelled action although Jared wasn't there yet. Someone told you he told Bobby Singer that he would be arriving a little late so all of you decided to go ahead but just as everyone got to their mark, Jared showed up, rushing in, seemingly a little irritated but flushed. He nodded to Jensen saying he was alright, without really saying anything and then everyone got into place. You were caught off guard for a second thinking of what could be bothering your brother so much right now but then you were pulled back to your current situation when the Bobby yelled action.

(Read as in the show, real life is in Italics) 

You were staring at this kid waiting for any sign of movement, hoping that the brothers and Cas wouldn't be coming to kill you for doing something wrong; but before you knew it Dean and Sam were outside yelling at you about Jack. You were standing over him after what you thought was healing him, but after he didn't move you weren't sure that anything happened. Cas was holding Dean back, telling him that you were just helping him. With Dean's busted up leg, it wasn't very hard for Cas to hold him back but you still heard all the mean things he was threatening you with. Sam on the other hand was headed right towards you and pushed you aside as he looked over Jack's body yelling

"Jack! Jack wake up. C'mon kid, you gotta be alright." Sam's breath was shaky but then his anger filled him he turned looking at you as he stood up to tower over you he fiercely asked

"What did you do to him?! Cas why would you let her touch him?" Sam stood up giving you the most hatred filled look, you just knew he was going to throw a punch. You tried holding back a laugh as you watched your brother stare at you with fake anger, but then you remembered he was angry when he came in and suddenly you felt a little worried with how he was acting. You knew Jared would never hurt you but you didn't want to add to his plate with whatever was going on. You laughed for a second when he approached you but then fell back into character. Jared went back to his spot then restarted charging at you. You watched as Sam walked towards you throwing a punch with anger, but you were faster and dodged the punch. You leaned to the side missing his punch, but then pushed his shoulder and body to the ground. Sam slid a little on the ground, not fully getting hurt but just having his balance thrown off by your counter attack. Sam snarled at you as you stepped back putting your hands up saying 

"I'm not here to attack you guys, and I didn't kill your kid. I was trying to heal him, but it didn't seem to work." Just as you said this you heard rustling behind you and you looked back to see Jack standing with simmering gold eyes lighting up the night sky around him. Your mouth fell open in complete shock and then the terror of what power this kid could have sunk in. But before you could act on it, all of the boys were walking towards you and Jack trying to get Jack's attention. Dean and Cas had stopped fighting and Sam stood up walking to Jack with his hands in front of him telling Jack that he was ok, and that they were there for him. Sam was trying to sooth Jack but you didn't understand why he was doing that, or what this kid had just gone through. Just as his eyes lit up, a second later they were a normal amber color and the boy was lightly smiling at Sam as he ran up to him embracing him in a hug. 

The director yelled cut just as Jared just squeezed Alex harder until everyone was laughing, and telling Jared to cut it out. Whatever dilemma Jared had earlier, didn't seem to be bothering him as much anymore. You smiled at your brother's actions and the affect he had on his cast but then you stepped into defend Alex and tickled Jared in the spot only you knew he was ticklish in. The second you laid your hands on the back of his knees Jared started buckling forward with a fit of laughter. Jared turned to face you saying 

"Damn it Y/n! I wasn't going to attack you." And then you realized your mistake. Jared was running at you trying to tickle you now. You ran off set with Jared close behind but when you got behind the couch, trying to use it as a barrier between the two of you, you didn't notice Jensen snuck up next to you. Jensen had this evil smirk on his face as he laughed reaching forward and pulling you close to him as Jared jumped the couch and began tickling you in your ribs and neck as Jensen held you tight. You were outnumbered. You thought Alex would come help you since you came to his rescue but he took the chance to run off set and keep a safe distance. You asked for Misha to help but he just pulled out his phone taking videos. You were in tears laughing but then you bent down forcing Jensen to lean over, as he did so you had gravity help as you pushed off of Jared and fell over the couch. You and Jensen had fallen onto the couch and Jared was quick to jump over trying to recapture you but you were quicker to your feet and ran out of reach. You took a second to catch your breath as the two boys moved so that they were sitting on the couch regularly. 

You squinted at Jared for attacking you but then you glared at Jensen saying 

"You traitor. I thought dating automatically meant you were on my side." Jensen laughed along with Jared but before he could say a word, Jared reached over swinging his leg over Jensen's lap as he hugged Jensen saying 

"Jensen was mine first! He remains loyal to me." You all burst out laughing then you joked

"Fine. You can sleep in bed with him." You paused crossing your arms then laughed taking a step closer to Misha as you continued "I'll just sleep with Misha." The laughter continued but then Jensen glared at the two of you but Misha put his arm around your shoulders saying

"Oh, I'll show you heaven" Everyone was dying of laughter and you were enjoying it. You loved these guys and you were having a good time. Misha then swept your fit up, carrying you bridal style as he walked off set saying 

"Y/n needs a real Angel tonight." You kissed Misha's cheek as you joked along saying 

"Oh, please show me those wings." You and Misha were cracking up as he set you down outside and began to walk hand in hand with you towards your trailer. You watched Jensen get off the couch running to you guys as he said 

"Oh hell no. No dirtbag angel is taking my girl." Jensen was there in a second and you quickly let go of Misha's hand, beginning to get ready to defend yourself from another tickle attack but Jensen just smiled as he pulled you into his chest jokingly snarling at Misha. After a second Jensen loosened his grip on you, but still had a hand wrapped around you pulling you to his side. Jared joined you guys as you stood there for a second harassing each other but then saying goodnight as you went your separate ways. Jared walked away and after Misha turned away heading to his trailer, you began to step away from Jensen put he growled pulling you back to his side as he almost whisper/yelled at you 

"You think I'm going to trust you to leave me after that play with some Angel? No. You're mine." For a second you were taken back by him pulling you back towards him with an angered expression but then you knew he was joking and sensed that something in him was leading towards some fun moments soon. Jensen was quick to guide you back to your trailer and the second you were inside he stepped up the stairs, locking the door behind him and filled the gap between the two of you as he crashed his lips onto yours. 

Author- Alright, stopping here for now. I'm so sorry I've been delayed writing. I have been gone, and will be for a little longer but I will try to update as often as I can. As always, thank you for reading!! Much love! :) 

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