Fire within Me

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After what felt like hours you and Vikki finally made it to Jensen's house. When you got there his truck was still parked in his driveway, which made you happy for a moment, knowing he was home but then the worry sunk back in when you remembered the crashing noises. You looked at Vikki as you unlocked your door, you opened your door and put a hand on Vikki's shoulder saying

"Please stay in the car. There may be someone bad in there, and I don't want you to get hurt. We may need a get away car." Vikki squinted at you, annoyed with this as she said
"And what? Leave you to gimp in there with your crutches and get attacked? No Y/N I'm not leaving you alone." You grabbed Vikki's arm pulling her back into the seat as you retaliated
"I'm trained in fighting, and I can walk on my leg if I need to, I was just told not to. Vikki please. I wouldn't forgive myself if someone else got hurt, but I need to go in there right now." Vikki took a deep breath then looked away from you, examining the house and then back at you as she sighed and nodded, settling back in the car before she said
"Take my key fob, and set off the panic if you need help." Vikki took the fob off her keys handing it to you and you nodded in agreement and then quickly got out of the car. You were still using your crutch but as you got to the front door, you unlocked it with caution and quietly entered what you feared would be the worse thing you'd ever see.

Your heart was racing with every step you took. You didn't know if JJ was home, and if you were going to walk into a room and see her or Jensen bleeding out; you had no idea what to expect. The living room looked normal as you walked in, but you listened for noise, wondering if Jensen was upstairs; when you didn't hear anything you went into the other room. You didn't want to call out for Jensen in case Jack's friends were still there, so with every room you crept into, you also were on guard for someone to be there.

You didn't hear anything or see anything unusual as you walked through the rooms but when you walked into the kitchen your heart dropped and you felt tears begin to form as you saw some red substance all over the floor. As you walked around the island you saw the red stuff was on the bar stools and all over the floor. You didn't want to keep looking around, worried you'd turn the corner and see the body of someone you loved. As you looked around you saw there was glass on the ground and you couldn't help but let the tears fall as you thought it looked like someone had been fighting on the counter and everything ended on the floor. You turned away from the mess, suddenly feeling like you were going to throw up.

You gained control of yourself, taking deep breathes as you called Jensen once more, hoping for him to answer and tell you this wasn't his blood on the ground, but no answer. You took a shaky breath and then your heart was filled with anger. You walked out of the kitchen walking back out to the car to Vikki.

When you got back into the car Vikki was on edge with trying to know what was going on but as you buckled up you didn't look at her you just demanded
"Drive to the hospital." Vikki began to speak to question but then tears fell down your face as you looked at her saying "Please." She didn't say another word as she turned the car back on and drove to the hospital as fast as she could. She parked the car and began to walk around the car to help you out but you were already up and began walking inside.

You got in the doors looking back at Vikki as you said
"I'm just going to check on my brother and then I'll be out of here." Vikki nodded her head and then replied
"I'll wait out here for you." You smiled lightly, grateful for her being understanding this but then as you gimped towards your brothers room you tried regaining your emotions with everything happening.

Once you walked in, you noticed Gen was sitting in the corner of the room with Jared on the little hospital bed. They were just about to be checked out, but when you came in Jared looked at you with a sad expression
"I'm so sorry Y/n. Are you ok?" You let a tear fall down your face then you walked over giving your brother a hug as you replied
"I'm just glad you guys are ok...Please, don't go home. Just trust me Jar, please." Jared had a questionable expression, but then knowing what Jack had said and done earlier that night, he nodded his head agreeing that they would be careful and go to Gen's parents house, but then Jared softly spoke to you
"Y/n they have him in custody, and I think we should get Sadie to speak against him so we can keep him in jail." You shot your head up hearing this, then grit your teeth thinking of Jack and then Jensen's house. You took a deep breath looking away from Jared then you asked
"Do you know if he's still here? Or did they take him down to the station?" Jared grabbed your shoulder pulling you to look at him as he said
"Y/n I know you're mad, and you have every right to be, but we need to let the cops take care of him now." You stared blankly at Jared for a second then let out a sharp breath as you gulped replying
"Yeah, you're right. Look, I'm going to go, if you don't go to Gen's parents, come to Misha's that's where all the rest of us are." Jared nodded giving you one more hug then let you go as you walked out of the room. You were going to head back out to Vikki but then you just couldn't hold in your anger in anymore. You turned around walking fast past Jared's room and walked over to the room Jack was being held in.

Brother knows best. (Jensen Ackles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now