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Hey guys!
Just wanted to leave a quick note with some questions and just thoughts haha. 

So first, is there anything I am missing in this story that you guys would like to see? Is having the actors act out their episodes too much?
And just cause I'm curious, what do you guys think is going to happen next with everyone? Jack? Sadie? Jensen and you? 

On a sad note, I'm having a hard time with Supernatural ending this month. Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy for the new season to come out, but this has been my outlet for such a long time now, I don't know what to do when I don't have new episodes, or when we won't see J2M as much. My heart literally breaks anytime I see them mention anything about the season or the end; SO what I'm asking is, has anyone found some things to help them? I know it's so stupid to be that attached but honestly I fucking love this show and cast. It'll make my life if they do a spin-off or a movie. Chuck, now I'm hoping they do. :D 

Any who, let me know what you think. And thank you all for reading this!! Honestly I never expected to get so many people reading my story. I love each and every one of you!! 

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