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With every second it took Jensen to walk around the truck and jump into the driver seat, you felt your heartbeat faster. You were sitting there in immense pain after trying to finish that fighting scene, but your mind couldn't help but wonder what Jensen was going to say to you. You held your breath as he climbed in the truck and started to back out of the parking lot. It was quiet for a second and you wondered if he'd say anything, or if you should start the conversation. You were looking at your lap and then took a big breath before you began to say something but Jensen cut you off saying
"Can we save the talk till after we get you check out by the doctor and back home?" You shut your mouth, feeling your throat begin to swell as all your fears confirmed that he was furious still, and then the terrifying thought that this could be the end of your relationship came into mind. You didn't say anything back, instead you just nodded and then looked out the window; trying to control your emotions. 

After what felt like hours you finally made it to the hospital and as you were sitting in the room with Jensen sitting in the chair; you couldn't help but take a shaky breath and ask

"Are we breaking up?" Jensen's head shot up from his lap and he squinted at you almost looking annoyed as he said

"Y/n I.." Jensen was then cut off by the doctor coming in introducing himself and then he began to explain that your muscle wasn't healed enough for you to be in ropes at work, so you were to take a few weeks off to let your leg heal. After the doctor explained everything to you, you took one final breath and then began to stand up, but the doctor helped you into a wheelchair. The doctor gave you a prescription for some pain meds, but then as you sat there you waited for the dreaded moment you and Jensen would be alone and heading back to his house where you knew he would be breaking up with you. 

As Jensen pushed you out of the hospital you didn't look up at him, instead you hid your face as you wiped tears that had escaped your eyes. When you reached his truck again, you stood up trying to get in by yourself, but Jensen walked up next to you, sweeping you up with ease as he set you in your seat and helped buckle you up. When Jensen was right in front of you buckling you up, you tried not looking at him, looking anywhere but his face but then Jensen grabbed your face forcing you to look into those beautiful candy apple green eyes, as he wiped a tear off your cheek he said
"Let's go home." You bit your teeth together, trying to hold in together but then Jensen surprised you and leaned forward giving you a soft kiss before he stepped back, shut the door and walked back to the driver side. You were very confused now, you didn't know if he wanted to break up, or if he was just furious with you, but that kiss made you want an explanation. Jensen's place wasn't too far from the hospital but as you sat there thinking about everything and thinking of what he said, a part of you was angry that he kissed you if he was so mad at you. You knew you weren't going to get far with him if you talked while in the car, so you waited until you were back at his place. 

Jensen helped you out of the truck and into his apartment but once in there, you grabbed your crutches and stood up as you gimped over to the couch before you sat down looking at Jensen clearly saying
"What is going on with us? Are we breaking up, or are you just mad? I don't know what the hell is going on anymore Jensen, but I'm confused and angry now. So whatever you have to say, just say it." Jensen softly scoffed to himself as he shook his head taking off his jacket and walking over to sit across from you as he replied

"Y/n you don't get it." You squinted at Jensen, skeptical of what he was saying and as you were going to defend yourself he continued 
"Y/n I thought I lost you. I call Jared's place and Sadie picks up and tells me, you and everyone were rushed to the hospital, but Sadie didn't have any details. Of course I think my girlfriend and best friend are hurt really bad, but I don't have details so I rushed there; and I get there and immediately I think something really horrible happened to you and I get angry because you don't pick up any of my calls or respond to my text. I go to the hospital desk to find out you left with Misha and after talking with him, he tells me that the other most important girl in my life, my child, is possibly being threatened by some psycho from set. Do you realize how angry I was; hell I'm still mad that you weren't the one to tell me! Y/n you could have been killed, or gotten JJ hurt. What if Jack got out of the hospital, or did have friends who went after us? Why wouldn't you just call the police and then call me!" Jensen stood up right in front of you as you tried to hold in your tears. You understood why he was angry, it all made sense, but in the moment you thought you were doing what was right. Without Jensen's help you forced yourself to stand up so you could look him in the eyes as you replied
"Jay you need to understand, I went after Jack because he hurt my best friend. I wasn't going to sit around and let some asshole hurt someone I loved. And Jared felt the same way, but then I found out he was targeting me and everyone I loved...I lost it." You began to cry again but tried to continue "I know I should have answered your calls or texts, other than the brief one I sent, but I also know you would've stopped me, and I wasn't going to let Sadie go without justice, nor was I going to let anything happen to any of you." Jensen turned back facing you and you saw a few tears slip down his cheeks as he firmly said

"Then why didn't you let me do it? I would've helped you." Jensen took one step closer grabbing your hand as he looked down at you saying "I would have called the police, and dealt with it differently, but I would've helped...Y/n I'm in this relationship for the long haul. I love you, and I never want anything bad to happen to you again. I'm mad because I've never been more afraid than when I was told you were hurt or worse. Please, don't ever leave me out like that again." You were fully crying now and couldn't say anything instead you just nodded and Jensen took the final step and leaned down pulling you tight to him as he kissed you. You wrapped your arms around Jensen's neck, kissing him back as you said
"I love you too." Jensen picked you up carrying you towards the stairs. You laughed saying
"I've missed your bed." Jensen smirked at you, raising one eyebrow as he replied
"Who says we are going to bed? You've been bad, I'm taking you outside." You gawked at Jensen then you both laughed as he reached the bed and leaned forward giving you a stronger kiss. You two spent the rest of the night in each others arms in your bed together. 

Author- That took me a while to update, sorry! Hoping to get the next chapter out fast! :) Hope you all are enjoying it, and as always, thanks for reading!! Much love <3  

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