A lot Going On

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After the convention you felt so much love from the fans; you couldn't help but feel more a part of the fandom now. When you got off stage you found yourself smiling the rest of the day, and before you knew it, you were planning on going with the boys to the next convention. 

It was now time to meet up with Ian for your second date and you were stuck running through your closet looking for your favorite shirt when you heard Sadie walk in leaning against the door frame saying

"So Ian is spending some time here today right? So I can actually talk to him for more than a second." You chuckled looking up at your friend as you replied

"Yes. Sadie, you will be able to have a conversation with him. We are probably going to make dinner here. You'll like him, I promise. Just please don't be weird and ask territorial questions." Sadie cackled replying

"What weird questions? I just want to make sure this guy is good to you." You stopped moving, finally finding your shirt (Yes P!ATD) and your flannel and pants as you replied

" You stopped moving, finally finding your shirt (Yes P!ATD) and your flannel and pants as you replied

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"He is. You'll see. Now get out so I can get ready." Sadie shook her head agreeing then you threw your clothes on your bed as you shut your door and pulled out your phone sending a text to Ian saying that you'll be ready in 10 minutes. You walked to your bed pulling on your pants when your phone went off with a text from Ian saying

Ian: Is it alright if I bring my dog? 

Y/N: Oh yeah! Please do, I love dogs! 

Ian: Great! :D I'll be there shortly. Do I need to bring
anything other than the hot dogs and brats? 

Y/N: An escape plan in case Sadie scares you...

Ian: haha she won't scare me, I'm a Salvatore. 

Y/N: A what? 

Ian: ;) You'll see. I'm on my way now.

Y/N: Sounds good, to both. :) 

You slide your phone in your back pocket as you put your hair into a bun and walked out of your room. As you were putting chips and buns on the counter you heard your phone notify you that you had a text and immediately you smiled knowing it was Ian.

 As you were putting chips and buns on the counter you heard your phone notify you that you had a text and immediately you smiled knowing it was Ian

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