The Big News

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When you and Jensen got back to the hotel you spent some time alone, wrapping your heads around the idea that you were going to be parents of twins. For Jensen, it was going to be a new experience of having another kid, but it was a completely new thing for you to have a kid let alone two at once. You walked into the hotel room then turned back to Jensen saying

"Can we Facetime my family? I want to tell them the big news before it slips out." Jensen smiled as he shut the door and walked over giving you a quick kiss as he said

"Yeah, we can call mine afterwards. Then we can think of a way to tell JJ and everyone else." You jumped up with excitement as you pulled out your phone saying

"Jay, I've never been so happy. I can't wait to have these kids with you. They are going to be perfect!" Jensen smiled, pulling you in for a hug when he responded

"They already are." You kissed him then sat down on the edge of the bed with the biggest smile on your face while telling your family the news. When you told your parents, your mom burst out in tears, and at first you laughed but then you started crying with her. Jensen and your dad laughed at the two of you, but you guys enjoyed the moment together. You set a plan to meet up once you were home so you could discuss future plans and just enjoy some time together.        Jensen's parents were laughing with joy when you told them you were having twins, but then they asked if you had told JJ yet and Jensen chuckled saying
"No, we are going to tell her tonight, but we are trying to think of a way to tell her." Jensen's mom smiled then looked into the camera replying
"Why don't you give her two similar toys, or two baby dolls and tell her she has to practice being a big sister now." Jensen laughed but your pierced your lips in a smile then looked at Jensen laughing as you looked at him then replied
"That is a great idea! I will have to go see what I can find around here." All of you were filled with joy as you thought of how to tell everyone and then you hung up with the parents and Jensen wrapped you in a tight hug then gave you a kiss before he looked deeply at you saying

"Thank you. Thank you for making my life so much better, and giving me a family." You smiled, feeling your eyes tear a little; then laughed at yourself as you kissed Jensen then replied

"I love you too, and I can't wait to have our family all together." You looked down at your stomach, rubbing it as you were filled with joy. 

You and Jensen spent the next hour to yourselves just relaxing and cuddling with each other in the room and then you decided to go to the store to find the toys for JJ and you got a little gift to tell Jared and Gen. With every shop you went into, you felt yourself getting even more excited. Jensen was holding your hand walking down the street when he looked at you and laughed saying

"You know we still have a long way before they are born?" You chuckled then shook your head bumping his shoulder as you said

"I know, but I just have so many plans for them." Jensen laughed tossing his head back then he just smiled as he leaned down kissing the top of your head. Jensen readjusted the bags in his hands then looked at you asking

"So are we ready to tell JJ and your brother?" You had a huge smile on your face as you skipped forward a little then looked back at Jensen replying

"Yes! Let's get back to the hotel already." Jensen kept laughing at you but you knew he was just as excited to tell everyone as you were. When you got back to the hotel you went up to your room and put all the gifts on your bed, sorting them out so you knew what you were giving to everyone but then you heard a knock on the door.

Jensen walked over opening the door to see a worried Jared looking into the room as he asked

"Is Y/n here? Is she ok?" You chucked then hid his gift before you walked out of the room, over to Jared giving him a big hug as you answered

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