Sleep tight, don't say a word

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Warning: Smut/Fluff 

You had just finished filming for the day and after you joked with Jensen, saying you were going to run away with Misha; you laughed as you got in your trailer and Jensen immediately locks the door and almost runs over, to kiss you. 

You felt his soft lips against yours and his firm hands wrapped around your waist pulling you tightly to his chest. You could feel Jensen pulling lightly at the fringe of your shirt, making it clear that he wanted more. You smiled into the kiss feeling happy in Jensen's arms but you broke from the kiss looking into Jensen's eyes as you chuckled asking

"What's with you tonight?" Jensen sighed looking at you but not letting you go as he replied

"Nothing, I just feel like I haven't had much time with you lately." You laughed giving Jensen a doubtful look as you said

"What are you talking about, I work with you and have been with you almost every night?" Jensen exhaled finally letting go of your waist, letting his hands drop to his side as he said 

"Y/n you've been over at Sadie's for the past week and a half and when we're at work, we are working." He took a step back to you grabbing you again as he continued "I just miss you." You laughed stepping up kissing him lightly as you joked

"Someone is needy tonight." You laughed but when Jensen's expression turned to a mischievous smile you felt your heart start to race. Jensen quickly picked you up walking towards the bed as he snarked 

"You'll be the one needy tonight." His words sent chills down your body, then Jensen set you on the bed, before pushing you on your back as he fiercely kissed you. Jensen started unbuckling your pants and you could feel your core heating up already. Jensen got your pants unbuckled and started kissing the nape of your neck as he worked his way down. You sat up for a second to catch your breath, but Jensen was right in front of you pulling your shirt over your head. Once he had your shirt off he paused for a second looking at you as you laid back on the bed. You smiled at Jensen panting a little, but then you teased him as you reached back, taking your bra off and then laying back on the bed you said 

"Like what you see?" Jensen growled biting his lip, but then he kissed you again with a strong force. After a second Jensen stopped kissing you and moved to your ear as he whispered

"You're beautiful, but I want to see all of you." Right after saying this Jensen bit your earlobe and then showered your neck and chest with soft kisses. You couldn't hold in the moans anymore as you felt Jensen suck on your breast and then the sensation of him kissing you all over, made your panties start to soak. You were breathing heavier as Jensen worked his way down your stomach with kisses and occasionally biting you softly. Jensen's hands went to your hips sliding your pants and underwear down; you lifted your butt off the bed letting Jensen slide your pants fully off. When Jensen sat at the edge of the bed he smirked at you looking at you fully now. You smiled but before you could say anything Jensen moved his head closer to your core sucking up all your juices. You let a moan escape and clenched onto the sheets as tight as you could, feeling your stomach tighten with every move Jensen made. Jensen sat back up; starting to massage your clit with his fingers as he chuckled hearing you moan; Jensen looked at you saying 

"Thats my girl. I wanna hear you." You tilted your head back, loving what Jensen was doing to you but you began to want more and Jensen knew it. You knew your stubbornness was telling you to not say anything but you gave in telling Jensen

"Jay please. I need you." Jensen laughed with a shitty grin on his face, feeling victorious in making you say that but then his torture continued as he slid a finger inside you. He pumped his finger fast making you squirm some more before he slid another finger into you. You grabbed onto Jensen's hair as you let out a moan you pleaded

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