Gotta Love Family

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After that great night and morning with Jensen, you were full of smiles and giggles, but as you looked across the counter you kept seeing Danneel watch you. You were trying to seem busy or distract yourself but you couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking; you knew she was ok with you and Jensen dating, but you couldn't help but think there were some mixed feelings there. But then you were cutting some strawberries when you accidentally sliced your finger. You jumped at the pain and immediately grabbed a paper towel wrapping it around your finger. You were trying to act like nothing happened but before you knew it Danneel was around the counter now at your side saying
"C'mon, we can go into the bathroom and I'll help you with that, or we can see if you need stitches." Jensen was helping JJ put the pancakes on the stove, distracted as his daughter was a little too close to the skillet; when he saw you and Danneel begin to walk towards the bathroom with you clutching your finger, Jensen grabbed JJ putting her on the ground then looked at you with concern asking
"Y/N what happened? Are you ok?" You laughed then shook your head acting as if it wasn't a big deal and replied
"I'm fine, I just caught my finger, Dee will help me. Just make sure my cakes don't burn." You winked at Jensen and he lightly smiled nodding in agreement then turned picking JJ back up putting her back on the stool as he said 
"Alright JJ, we can burn these ones, Y/N will love them that way." Jensen then looked at you giving you a smirk as you walked out of the kitchen. 

You walked into the bathroom taking a deep breath suddenly really nervous and then the pain from the cut sunk in. You took off the towel and put your hand under some water. When the blood stopped for a second, Danneel took your hand examining the cut and said 
"I think you'll be fine hun, we have some butterfly bandaids in the hall closet. I'll go grab them, then we can patch you up." You nodded, not saying anything and then Danneel was out walking to the closet. You looked into the mirror laughing that your hair was a mess but then with your good hand, you tried straightening the strays that were standing up a little. You looked at your finger, finally seeing the cut itself, it wasn't bad but it was that annoying sting that hurt. Danneel came back seconds later with a little box of first aid. Danneel took your hand out of the water, drying it off and started putting some cream on it when she took you by surprise saying
"You really love him don't you?" Your eyes must have gone wide because Danneel laughed then continued saying "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make this weird, or make you worried. I just think this is a good thing. Jensen is a great guy, and he is still one of my close friends, but it just didn't work for us. We are two different people, who have different ideas of how to do things, but he is great with JJ and he is a great guy in general. I just want to make sure he's happy...and that you're in this for the long haul." You blushed looking down at your finger then looked back up at Danneel confidently saying 
"I do love him, and JJ. And I am here for the long haul, I don't want to play around. I didn't mean to make you feel like you weren't apart of this family; if that's how you feel. Danneel you will always be JJ's mom, and I want you in her life and mine, and Jensen's. I think the world of all three of you, but to answer your questions and concerns, I do love him, more than I have anyone; I don't plan on going anywhere. I hope that we can continue to do things like this; meeting up for breakfast, or doing fun things together in the future too." Danneel let go of your finger after she finished wrapping it, then smiled replying
"I'm not worried that JJ will see me as her mother, or want to spend time with me, I just wanted to make sure that if we all get attached, that you don't just disappear out of nowhere. JJ loves you, and I agree, I love spending time with you too. It's so rare that people have connections with relationships like this, but I know we can make it work. I just value this friendship and the way things are, I want them to stay this way. I also know Jensen is head over heels for you; I just wanted to make sure it was reciprocated but clearly you are as well. I'm sorry, I just had to protect my family. So if there ever is a problem, please talk to me, I want to help if I can." You grabbed Danneel's shoulder with your good hand, pulling her in for a hug then after a second you pulled away replying
"I understand how you feel, and I think things will only get better from here on out. For all of us. Thank you for looking out for Jensen, and JJ, but things are great now, no need to worry." Danneel laughed nodding and then JJ came running in the room asking
"Are you ok? Daddy told me to check to make sure you weren't dead." You and Danneel laughed then Danneel pulled JJ into her legs giving her a hug replying
"I think she'll live, but she might need you to be her nurse later to replace the bandage. Do you think you could do that?" JJ smiled walking towards you as she said
"I'm a great doctor, I help mommy and daddy all the time!" You squat down to her level asking
"I think right now, to really help me heal, my boo boo needs a kiss from you." JJ smiled but then softly grabbed your hand kissing your bandaid. You hugged JJ thanking her and then you all walked back into the kitchen joining Jensen. 

Jensen had finished the pancakes and cleaned up your mess, he was currently holding the bowl of strawberries you cut up. As you walked back in Danneel grabbed JJ, having her help set the table; you walked next to Jensen giving him a hug as you said
"I think I'll live. JJ is the best doctor and Danneel is a great nurse." Jensen wrapped one arm around your waist pulling you closer giving you a quick kiss then said
"I'm glad it's not bad. And she's an expensive doctor, but no worries; I'll cover your bill." You both laughed then Jensen kissed your forehead, then guided you towards the table with Danneel and JJ. The four of you had a great breakfast, eating almost all the food, spending the morning telling old stories and laughing about future plans. 

After breakfast you guys said goodbye to Danneel and JJ. Danneel was taking JJ for the weekend, she had planned on going on a camping trip. You and Jensen agreed that next time all of you would go camping and then maybe go relax on the lake. When you shut the door Jensen laughed pulling you by the hips, straight to his chest he said
"Thank you." You smiled then smirked as you stood up giving him a kiss then said
"I don't know what you're thanking me for, but sure, you're welcome." You laughed resting your hands on his chest. Jensen shook his head laughing at you then said
"I meant thank you for being so good. Thank you for making me happy again." You smiled knowing he truly meant it but then you reached up wrapping your hands around his neck and pulled him down kissing him a little harder. You stood there for a few minutes just enjoying the taste of each other and the company then when you needed a breath you stepped back saying
"I love you. You make me happy everyday. I can't wait for all the fun stuff we get together and with our families." Jensen laughed tilting his head back for a second then replied
"Yeah speaking of family did you see what Jared posted last night?" You chuckled only imagining what your brother would post but then Jensen pulled out his phone showing you 

" Jensen laughed tilting his head back for a second then replied"Yeah speaking of family did you see what Jared posted last night?" You chuckled only imagining what your brother would post but then Jensen pulled out his phone showing you 

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Liked by MishaCollins and 1,174,875 others

JaredPadalecki: He was mine first Y/N!! Why do you always steal from me! #annoyingsibling 

Username: Jared you're a grown ass man

Username: hahaha Jared is going to steal his man back! 

Username: I could not love this more. Winchester bros for life

MishaCollins: We both know who he truly belongs to...


Username: I fucking love this cast. 

You took Jensen's phone scrolling through the comments but couldn't help yourself from laughing because so many people were freaking out. You gave Jensen back his phone both of you laughing now, then asked
"Should we go over there for dinner tonight? I don't want my brother to have separation problems from you, and then blame me. Or deny you, your true love for that matter." You laughed finishing your last statement then Jensen raised an eyebrow laughing at you. You jokingly began to run away but Jensen pulled you in kissing you once more then replied
"I already told him we can plan a dinner tomorrow. I want you to myself today." You smiled devilish, then laughed once more, you didn't say anything but just stayed in Jensen's arms. 

Author- Alright ending it there for today. I'll try to get some writing in this weekend, but hope you're enjoying it so far!! Let me know what you think. :) 

For the record, I am not a Destiel, Cockles, or Wincest fan- I just love the cast friendships. They truly are some of the best people. Love them all! 

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