Go Time

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You just got back to Vancouver yesterday, and after a long day of resting, you were finally ready for today, or so you thought. It was now your first official day on set with the Supernatural cast, and as you got out of your car walking towards Jensen's trailer, you felt your stomach flip with nerves. You opened the door and saw Jensen sitting on the couch putting his shoes on. When he saw it was you walking in, he smiled standing up, walking over to you giving you a quick kiss then he asked
"Are you excited for today?" You smiled then took a deep breath before replying 

"Truthfully...I'm terrified, it's so different here. On Vampire Diaries they had a great cast and everything, but everyone is one giant family here, and ya'll are great actors, it's intimidating." You exhaled after saying this and Jensen chuckled to himself then looked down at you giving you one more kiss before he said

"I've seen you act, you're a great actor yourself. And you've got the advantage here. You know the cast, set, and you've got me." You smiled softly laughing then pulled Jensen's neck to give him a stronger kiss then replied

"I love you. Thank you. I am excited for today though." Jensen squeezed you in a tight hug then let go saying

"I love you too. And good, because we gotta go to set, right now." You looked at your watch realizing you still had to go to the costume trailer and get your clothes.  Jensen walked ahead holding the door open for you. You got out and looked around for a second, looking for the costume trailer and when you spotted it you looked back at Jensen saying

"I'll see ya in there, I have to go change into my clothes." Jensen nodding beginning to walk away from you but then he turned back yelling at you 

"Try not to be too sexy of a monster. It'll make it hard for me to fight with you." Jensen winked at you as you both laughed then he walked away onto set. You opened the trailer door still laughing over his comment but when you opened the door and saw how many clothes were in there, lining the trailer on racks. You couldn't help but laugh at how many flannel and leather jackets there were. When you stepped in a tall brunette lady walked up to you smiling saying

"You must be Y/n, my name is Emma. I have your outfit for the day right here." You watched as Emma stepped to the side pulling out a cute leather jacket with a short red, button up skirt. You laughed holding the clothes and thinking to yourself of what Jensen had just said to you. You mumbled "Well he's going to hate this." You laughed to yourself but then Emma said 

"I'm sorry what was that? Is there something wrong with this? We can find something else if you don't like it?" You immediately felt guilty for making her feel bad. You put a hand on her shoulder reassuring her everything was ok as you replied

"No. This is perfect. Sorry, I was just mumbling to myself how adorable this outfit is." Emma had a huge smile on her face as she said

"Good. I'm glad to hear that. I was the one who picked it out." You smiled nodding replying

"You've got great taste! Do you mind if I sneak back here and change? I really need to get to set soon." Emma nodded after giving you directions to the back of the trailer, where the dressing room was. When you were finally dressed you quickly snapped a picture sending it to Sadie saying

 When you were finally dressed you quickly snapped a picture sending it to Sadie saying

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Y/N: How long do you think Jensen will last, until he tells me to change?

Sadie: DAMNNN You look hot!! OMG! I can't wait to see this episode!! Also he doesn't stand a chance, he won't be able to stand the second he sees you ;) 

Y/N: Sadie!! XD I will send you a picture of his reaction hahah. Wish me luck! 

Sadie: You are going to kill it!! ;* 

Y/N: <3 

You slid your phone into your pocket laughing at your conversation, then stepped out of the trailer waving goodbye to Emma before you ran onto set. You were a little behind schedule after going to hair and make up but when you got on set everyone was still waiting for Misha and a few extras to come on set. You said hello to a few new cast members you didn't know, but for the most part, you met everyone last weekend or previous times you've been on set. 

You were sitting down in back when Misha and the others finally appeared. When Misha saw you he laughed giving you a hug as he said

"Y/n you look fantastic. Are you ready for today?" You smiled nodding as you replied

"Yeah. It helps that I'm filming with the best." You winked at Misha and then you heard a laugh you knew all too well as you turned around seeing Jared and Jensen walk towards you. Jared laughed at your comment then joked with Misha

"I think by "the best" you mean acting with Jensen and me." You shot Jared a snarl then laughed putting one arm over Misha's shoulder as you popped your hip and sassed

"No. I was talking to Misha and everyone else but you." Jared was laughing beginning to make remarks to you and Misha but it was only then that you took your first look at Jensen and as you did you saw him briefly lick his lips as he looked you up and down and then he sighed as if he was annoyed. Jensen's hands were in his pockets and he seemed fine, but after he gave you that gesture you couldn't read if he was annoyed or not. You moved away from Misha walking next to Jensen and linked your arms around his waist as you asked

"Hey, are you ok? You seem upset?" Jensen tightly smiled then began to say something but he was cut off by a speaker yelling at everyone to get to their spots. You laughed hearing Misha and Jared bicker. You reached up giving Jensen a kiss then said

"We can talk later." You smiled then walked back over with Misha as you guys got to your places and began filming. All of your scenes today were with Misha, but you were scheduled to film with the boys later that week. Jared and Jensen stayed on set to watch you and in case they were called to reshoot anything they did earlier. You couldn't help but look over at Jensen in between takes and notice that he was on his phone texting someone or always directly watching you and Misha. You found yourself no longer nervous for filming, but more for the talk you were going to have with Jensen later that night. 

Author- Ok stopping here for now. I am SO sorry it's taken me this long to update! My life has been crazy, but I promise to get some more up soon! As always thanks for reading!! <3 

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