Old town, New Faces

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          You were sitting on the ground bracing yourself for what question Jensen was going to ask you. You didn't know why you felt so nervous but you kept thinking this guy had just met you hours ago, seeing how much stuff you had, helping you haul all of it in; and then heard your brother making fun of you for going on a date with a stranger, what could he be thinking of who you were and what was he going to ask? You held your breath as Jensen leaned forward in his chair, bracing his elbows on his legs as he looked at you asking

"Why does Jared call you Gummy?" Jared and Sadie burst out laughing and you couldn't help but shrug your shoulders a little, laughing to yourself, relieved he didn't ask something else. But before you could respond Sadie grabbed Jensens arm taking a sip of her beer then said

"When Y/n was in high school she sat in gum and didn't realize it, and walked around for hours with it on her butt. When Jared noticed he came up behind her tying his sweater around her waist telling her she had gum on her. Naturally she was a mess but Jared has called her Gummy since." Jared was still laughing then said

"I was being a nice brother and helped." You turned to face your brother then snarked

"You laughed at me forever, and call me Gummy although this happened years ago!" You all laughed then you got up not saying anything else but hit Jared as you walked back into the kitchen placing your, now empty beer bottle into the recycling. You looked in the fridge remembering you were the one cooking tonight. You saw Sadie had some chicken and steak in the fridge with a note 'gotcha covered roomie' with a heart at the end. You turned smiling back at Sadie in the other room. 

When you walked back into the living room Sadie was now finding a new movie to put on and the boys were talking to themselves. You walked behind Jared asking the group, but looking at Jensen as you asked

"How does chicken and steak sound for dinner? I think we have some salad in there too?" Jensen nodded in agreement and Sadie shot her arm up with a thumbs up; not turning her attention from putting the dvd in. Jared turned around facing you asking 

"Is there enough steak for me? If not I can go out and quickly grab something." You raised and eyebrow at your brother then smugly said

"Yes Goliath, there is enough food for you and everyone else. But if you eat it all, I'm sending you to an institution." Jared proudly grinned at you then turned back to the tv as the movie began. You already started the grill outside but when you came back into the kitchen to prep the meat you saw Jensen grabbed things from the fridge and started mixing things on the counter. When you walked in he said

"I thought you could use some help, at least mixing the salad. Or if you want I don't mind grilling. I actually kind of enjoy it, since I don't get time to do it too often." You smiled at Jensen surprised at how sweet he was. You walked over to the fridge pulling out the salad dressings and a couple of beers then replied

"Well the salad is done, but I can give you some company out back if you want to take over grilling?" Jensen smiled nodding in agreement taking the beer from your hands and walking with you outside. 

Jensen beat you outside and as you were shutting the patio door you could see Sadie leaning over the couch looking at you two, making a face at you as you shut the door. You laughed catching Jensen's attention; he turned to you trading you your beer for the tongs in your hands and then asked

"Jared is making a face at you isn't he?" You fully blushed taking the beer and looking away from Jensen as you laughed replying

"Actually my best friend is. She's like Jared but on drugs." Jensen widened his eyes in surprised then laughed saying

Brother knows best. (Jensen Ackles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now