Stupid Boys

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The next few days of filming went faster than the first. You had a few new friends and Misha was steadily becoming a close friend of yours. You two couldn't stop laughing every time you filmed together, but it wasn't because you were trying to harass each other, it was because one or the other would forget their lines or make a funny face by accident. You and Misha were filming the scene where you met the Winchester brothers today and told them what you were. Misha's character Castiel had already known what you were, and after your first encounter you two ended up fighting together. Today on set you were thrilled that you'd get to film with Jensen and Jared but then you read the script and laughed to yourself. 

You were sitting in the passenger seat as Jensen drove you two to set, you were reading the script then laughed at at part, stopping yourself and looking at Jensen asking

"Have you read the script yet?" Jensen took a quick look at you smiling then chuckled as he said

"No. But is that why you're so full of giggles this morning?" You guys were just pulling into the gate when you put your script back into your purse and said 

"I guess you'll just find out." Jensen shook his head laughing at you then parked the car as you two walked hand in hand heading on set for the day. When you walked through the door you first saw Misha then Jared behind him. You walked up telling them both good morning then gave Misha a hug and whispered something in his ear, causing him to laugh. Jensen squinted at you guys as he watched then said

"Honestly, if you guys are planning something today, I wouldn't. It really wont end well for you." You took a step back towards Jensen cocking your head to the side with a smirk on your face as you snickered

"Oh baby, Misha and I are a great team. We may surprise you." Jensen and Jared laughed but then you continued "But no, I wasn't planning something with him, I was just laughing about today's scenes already." Jensen shook his head again at you then Jared spoke up

"I actually am excited too. This will be a fun day." Jensen looked at Jared asking

"Am I missing something? What is happening today? I read the script late last night, but I didn't really read what others were doing." All of you went into a fit of laughter then you grabbed Jensens elbow turning him to face you, as you reached up kissing his cheek you said

"I get to kick your ass today." Misha and Jared continued laughing, making remarks to each other and then in the corner of your eye you saw that bouncing black hair you knew all too well. You stepped away from Jensen squinting then yelled

"Sadie?!" The girl turned facing you with a confused expression then as she looked closer Sadie saw that it was you. She ran over giving you a tight hug asking

"Hey! How's filming going?" You looked at Sadie realizing she dyed the edges of her hair purple. You dropped your jaw grabbing her hair, ignoring her question as you asked

"When did you dye your hair?!" Jensen next to you laughed then walked away with the boys giving you a look before they walked closer to the director. Sadie laughed then sighed as she looked at you replying

"Y/N I got this done almost 2 weeks ago...We haven't really hung out in a while." You knew she meant that with love, but you couldn't help but feel guilty. Between Jensen, and filming you hadn't spent much time at the apartment or with Sadie. You pierced your lips together then grabbed her hand squeezing it as you said 

"Alright, well we need a weekend to catch up then. What are you doing this coming weekend?" Sadie laughed shaking her head then smiled at you as she said

"I'm actually hanging out with Jack, Friday night into Saturday, but Sunday I'm free all day?" You smiled pulling your friend to your side as you began walking closer to set asking

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