I love my family

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After hours and hours of sitting in the bed waiting for the time to push your kids out, you were  told something was wrong with one of them and you were immediately switched to having a c-section. You weren't really happy you had to get a cesarian but at the time, you just cared that your children were alright.

Some more time passed and then you finally got the meet your children; you had never been that physically and mentally drained, but it was all worth it the second you got to hold your twins. As you held your girl, you and Jensen decided to name Arrow, you felt tears well up in your eyes, purely out of joy. But when you looked over to Jensen and saw him holding your son Zeppelin, you let the tears out. Jensen laughed leaning over kissing your forehead as he said

"You did great mama. They're perfect." You laughed but then sighed as you looked at your family you smiled then replied

"My life could not be better right now." Just then JJ came in the room with both of your parents and you laughed as she came over climbing on the bed next to you looking at her sister. You kissed JJ's cheek then said

"JJ, meet your sister Arrow, and daddy has your brother Zeppelin." JJ had the biggest smile on her face but then asked to hold Arrow. You had JJ sit carefully on the bed and told her how to hold the baby and then you reached over to Jensen, grabbing one of his hands as you said

"I lied, now my life is complete. With our perfect family." Jensen smiled leaning in to give you a kiss. JJ watched as Jensen kissed you but then she said

"Gross!" Everyone laughed but then the grandparents were holding the new additions to the Ackle's family when you looked at Jensen saying

"My brother was right all along." Jensen furrowed his brows chuckling as he watched JJ get up and move by the twins; Jensen sat on the bed next to you snarking

"Jared being right, is never a common thing. What do you mean?" You laughed grabbing his hand and leaning into Jensen as you replied

"Before we even started dating, I went to Jared to ask him about you and he said that you were a good guy and that you'd probably change my life in the best way." Jensen chuckled then smiled as he looked down at you and gave you another kiss. After a second Jensen pulled away leaning his forehead against yours as he replied

"After I helped you move in, and then after the barbecue I knew I felt an attraction to you, and Jared saw it. He gave me shit everyday on set and with a split moment when we were being serious, I asked him if he thought you would go out with me, and he was strongly encouraging me on asking you out." You both laughed hearing all of this and it just really filled your heart with love. You laughed thinking about your brother harassing Jensen, but then you looked at Jensen asking

"I want to do something, but I'm hoping it's ok with you first." Jensen nodded as you pulled him down and whispered something into his ear. Jensen smiled nodding his head then looked at everyone in the room laying his head on top of yours as he said

"I'm one lucky man. Perfect wife, and family."

You guys were just smitten the rest of the day. After the grandparents left to go get JJ some dinner, Jared and Gen came in to meet the kids. You laughed seeing Gen come in, taking Arrow in her arms and smiling at her with such a content happy face. Jared on the other hand was joking as he whipped tears away. Jared was holding Zeppelin when he walked over to the chair by you he looked at you saying

"Y/n they're perfect. What are their names?" You chuckled then looked at Gen saying

"We named our girl Arrow Rose." Then you looked at Jared smiling as you said "And our boy is Zeppelin Jared." As soon as you said it Jared looked at you with wide eyes shaking his head but before he could say anything you continued "We also, would like both of you to be their god parents." Gen was the first to cry as she hugged Jensen thanking the both of you but Jared just hid his face looking at Zeppelin then he looked at you with tears on his face, he stood up leaning to you as he kissed your forehead he said

Brother knows best. (Jensen Ackles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now