The Mystical Trio

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Meet the Mystical Trio, Infernus, Gaen, and Zoe, These Mystics came from their respective Homes, Infernus came from the Castle which he resides, Gaen in the Leaf Jungle, and Zoe in the Ice-Cold World know as Hima-Kiru

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Meet the Mystical Trio, Infernus, Gaen, and Zoe, These Mystics came from their respective Homes, Infernus came from the Castle which he resides, Gaen in the Leaf Jungle, and Zoe in the Ice-Cold World know as Hima-Kiru

Surname: Baron Tepes (Infernus), Mitari (Gaen), and Diamond (Zoe)

Gender: Male (Infenrus and Gaen), Female (Zoe)

Title: [Flame-Vampiric Lord] (Infernus), [The Green Wolf-Monk] (Gaen), the Ice Princess (Zoe)

Cost: 5 (Infernus), 3, (Gaen), 2 (Zoe)

Acquisition: Gacha Or Special Character Quest, The Risen Flame of the Vampiric Blood (Infernus), Return to the home where it was before (Gaen), and The Ice Castle (Zoe)

HP: 500 (Infernus, scales up if leveled up), 300 (Gaen, Scales up if leveled up), 290 (Zoe, Scales up if Leveled up)

Powers: Vampirism/Fire manipulation (Infernus), Nature and Spiritual Manipulation (Gaen), Ice Manipulation (Zoe)

Hidden Power: Awakens the True Vampire lord by using the stone mask (Infernus, JoJo Bizarre adventure Reference), The Power of the Six Wolves (Kato, Aquarius, Gaen, Angel, Jun. Gaen), and Frozen Eye of Skadi (Zoe)

Element: Fire (Infernus), Wood (Gaen), and Water (Zoe)

Weapon Type: Slash (Infernus), Punch (Gaen), and Magic (Zoe)

Base Skills (I will separate Each of the Mystical Trio Skills)


Bloodline of Tepes: Increase Attack power in 2 turns

Coffin Summoning: Reduce movement cells but increased in Defense

The Vampiric Bite: Drains Targets Hp, 100, and heals at the same as the damage.

Soul Transfer: Defends someone from taking damage, resulting in high counter and deals damage to the user about 40

Auto Skill:

Dark Inferno: Increase Fire Damage

Physical Mastery: Increase Physical damage, can't be dispelled

Charge Skill: The Swarm, Deals Slash Damage and Apply to enemies, The Curse Blood


Flurry of Blows: Deals 50 damage each attack bonus, apply spiritual Force

Patient Defense: Increase Defense for about 1 turn but decrease Attack

Step of The Wind: Increase Evasion and apply Reflex

Serenity: Gaen will enter into the state of Meditation, heals about 40 HP each turn

Auto Skill:

Move like the Wind: Increase both Magic defense and evasion, Can't be dispelled

The Mantra of Reparation: Saves a user from near death when hit by a strong element, endure about 10 HP

Charge Skill: Thousand Blows ~ Six Wolves Comet, Deals Fist damage and apply inner sanctuary to the user


Frost Nova: Creates a Trap-like spell unto the ground and deals 40 damage if the enemy steps unto the cell, last about 3 turns

Brilliant aura: Refreshes Base Skills

Jotun Breath: Increase Defense and Evasion and apply Mystic Asgard

Blizzard Storm: Deals 90 damage to enemies and Applies them Chill, last about 2 turns

Auto Skill:

Water/Ice Mastery: Increase Water/Ice Damage, and increase the lasting turn of Blizzard Storm, now at 4 turns

Frost Shield: Increase Special Defense, Can't be dispelled.

Charge skill: Diamond Dust, Deals Magic Damage and apply to enemies, Frozen Prison

Affiliation: The Mystical Guardians

Long Time ago, when mankind was still young at their age of rising inventions, a old master sorcerer was at the age of death, he creates three young guardians to protect his tower, and he named them accordingly, Miriast, Pyronan, and Terranus, but after the death of the master sorcerer, they parted ways and the tower soon became a mystical ruin, but their journey was hard, miriast got bullied, pyronan was sealed due to the vampire hunters, in a coffin, and terranus was on the verge of spiritual dryness, but deep within them, they had resolve themselves to unite and protect the secrets of the master sorcerer. after 2 years, miriast renames herself as Zoe, which causes the bullies to be permanently frozen in ice and shatters in revenge, Pyronan renames himself as Baron Tepes Infernus, as the seal on the coffin, which he resides broke, and as he awakens himself, the bright of day shall turn into ashes as he was now fully immortal and not weak to the sun. The apprentice of the Vampire Hunters tried to end the vampiric reign, but only resulted in their disappearance and found in the place where infernus resides. And Terranus renames himself as Gaen, as he became loyal to his brothers his sisters, including the birth of Jun Mitari, the Black Nova Star. with their might and power, they will take down all those who oppressed them and their hardships

Liked Relationship: None

Dislike Relationship: None

Crush: None

Likes: Eating, Having their nice day, and protecting anyone from harm

Dislikes: Oppression, Bad day, and boredom

Main Theme: Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion (Utsuho Reiuji theme, Subterranean Animism), Tomboyish Girl in Love (Cirno theme, EoSD, PoFV, and UNL), and Hartmann Youkai Girl (Koishi Komeiji Theme, Subterranean Animism, HM, ULiL, and AOCF)

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