Gilb and the Chinese Dragon, Zhung Chen, and the Deep Sea Dragoon, Matthew

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Deep within the Forest. The Rain was showered hardly enough. 

Zhung Chen: Huh who's that- *He notice a Lone tiger-furry in the forest, alone, laying unto the ground* Is that Gilb? No, It can't be, It's been many years since i last met him

Gilb: The Rain was hard enough, maybe someone will save me.


*Zhung Chen Sigil appeared as the Rain soon stops, then this hits the King Agent, sending the King agent flying back to the kingdom*

Zhung Chen: *Breathes heavily* Keep Calm. It's just a powerful magic.

Gilb: Chen? is that you? Chen?

Zhung Chen: I am here Gilb! Come on, let's get you up!

Then Matthew dragoon appeared, he was travelling along the path and notice the King Agent flung in the sky.

Matthew: Huh? A Chinese Dragon! Chen!

Zhung Chen: Oh buddy Matthew!

Then the two get along and handshakes also Fist bumps

After skipping the scenes and the man and gilb meeting, but replaced with Matthew and Zhung Chen waiting for him at the end. Then the three do the group hug and the team was formed, Dragon Swordsman.

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