The Scarecrows Trio

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The Entirely Three Scarecrows have been appearing every Halloween, But now they have arrived to Tokyo as The Seasonal Halloween gets even terrifying at the same time, Spooky!

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The Entirely Three Scarecrows have been appearing every Halloween, But now they have arrived to Tokyo as The Seasonal Halloween gets even terrifying at the same time, Spooky!

Age: 24 (Korisuke), 19 (Mukrov), 25 (Galan Baron)

Gender" The Trio are Male

Title: The Green Forest Scarecrow ( Korisuke), The Blue Ocean Scarecrow (Mukrov), The Red Volcano Scarecrow (Galan), As a whole, The Three Scarecrows of the Hallow's Eve

Artifact: The Scythes of the Scarecrow King (Korisuke, Mukrov, and Galan Baron), The Sickle of Defiance (Galan), The Staff of Eternal Moonsoon (Mukrov)

Rule: Green Ghost (Korisuke), Red Skeleton (Galan Baron), Blue Jack O Lantern (Mukrov)

Powers: The Trio possessed the Scarecrow's abilities, Forest, Nature, Life Manipulation, and Afterimage Creation (Korisuke), Rain, and Water Manipulation (Mukrov),  Jack O'lantern Physiology, Fire manipulation, and Weapon Creation (Specifically his Sickles)

Powers (Hidden): Korisuke can create Plant-Eating mobs, and Inversion (Which ranges from a Venus Eater, to a Slow, but large mouth chomper), Mukrov can manipulate the weather, and Galan imbue his weapons with the Jack o'lantern flames

Element: Wood (Korisuke), Water (Mukrov), Fire (Galan Baron)

Charge Attack: Scarecrow "Thousand Reaping's of the Forest" (Korisuke), Scarecrow "The Torrential Moonsoon upon the Ocean" (Mukrov), Scarecrow "The Eruption of the Infernal Volcano" (Galan Baron)

Charge Attack (Hidden): Green Scarecrow "Shadows of the Reaping Forest" (Korisuke), Blue Scarecrow "Shadows of the Torrential Ocean" (Mukrov), Red Scarecrow "Shadows of the Infernal Volcano" (Galan Baron)

Personality: Korisuke is playful, and kind, Galan Baron acts like a big brother mentor, serious, and rude, and Mukrov is a calm, witty, intelligent, and loyal

Liked relationships: Ryota,Gyobu, Mamizou Futatsuiwa,  Amon *Transient*, Seija Kijin, and  Xolotl (Korisuke), Makara, Melusine, Yule, and Triton (Mukrov), Fides (The Flaming Knight), Gyumao (Harvey was long gone by now), Jugo, Hanuman, utsuho Reiuji, Clause (Len'en), and Mikah Atanara (Galan Baron)

Disliked Relationship:  Kagutsuchi, Hanuman, and Toyosatomi No Miko (Korisuke), Nyarlathotep, Kala-Nemi, and Adagumo Rensei (Mukrov), Michael (Symbiote's), Seija Kijin (once thought that inversion makes him sick), Babalon, Zao (Galan Baron)

Crush: Xolotl (Korisuke), Makara (Mukrov), and Gyumao (Galan Baron)

Background: Few Thousand Years ago, The Great Old Scarecrow King soon made three standing scarecrows in hopes of carrying the legacy, that is until the Three Standing Scarecrows got imbued by eternal elemental Magic, The First one got imbued by the forest, the second one imbued by ocean, and the third imbued by the Volcano, The Three soon stands up and carry their scythes, The Ocean Scarecrow had a staff and the Volcano Scarecrow got the Sickle, The Three Soon head towards the hallow's Eve and notice their creator, Now lost and spirited away, But one of them had a name written in their hats, Korisuke, Galan Baron, and Mukrov....

The Three Scarecrows of the Hallow's Eve: After their intense training from their mentors, they realize why there are created, because of the Great Old Scarecrow King made them in carrying the legacy. Their Artifacts, The Scythe, Sickle, and Staff, have finally imbued the eternal energy of Elemental, Korisuke with Nature and Life, Mukrov with Water and Rain, and Galan Baron of Fire and Creation of weapons. Their Rule was possibly base on Halloween costumes, Green Ghost, Red Skeleton, and the Blue Jack O Lantern. But after the GATE appearance, Their hope was not lost but they met some transients from other worlds, hated or not, They carried the legacy of the Great Old Scarecrow King

Theme: Dullahan Under the Willows (Sekibanki Theme, The Trio battle and main theme)

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