Timeless Plane

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Once forged by Chronas to protect the memories, now it became a home to the past memories of the Team 8 and Tyrant Team (Boss fights possibly?), Whether new or old faces, all challenges will be possible, or impossible


Memory of Neil, The Dark Summoner: Ultimate ability, Shadow Redemption

Memory of Yuka, The light mistress: Ultimate Ability, Holy Mirror

Memory of Shira, The Wind Princess: Ultimate ability, Titania Winds

Memory of Soren, The Vortex Wielder: Ultimate Ability, Western Garbage Patch

Memory of Koroto, The Blind Fire and Ice Demon: Ultimate Ability, Inferno Flare/Frost Zero

Memory of David Stardream, The Sorcerer of Stars: ultimate ability, Zero Stardust Spark

Memory of Karuko, The Flaming Djinn: Ultimate Ability, Ifrit's Wrath

Memory of Neilox A/Neil, The Student/Casino Dealer: Ultimate Ability, Coincidental Miracle?

Memory of Kenji Enrolen, The Third Senri Shrine Priest: Ultimate ability, Warp Reversal Edge

Memory of Rita Aries, The Princess of Nagara: Ultimate Ability, Heavenly Kiss

Memory of Valric Scarlet, The Vampire dual wielding Artifacts: Ultimate ability, Divinity Gugnir/Chaotic Laevateinn

Interpretations of each Memory bosses 

Neil and Yuka: This represents the Transgression between Corruption and Purity, in Reality, they we're born twins but later died at an early year, but soon, their spirits are lifted to the heavens but falls down to the pits of hell, as a result from their past corrupted by their own ways.

Shira: This represents loneliness, Due to her Loneliness, because she is a noble woman, she got kidnapped by many men and Does "Usual" things to her, resulting to be in a infinite cycle.

Soren: This Represents Hatred, Since he was a Child, He was being bullied by his classmates, as a revenge, he shot himself with a gun and flooded the entire school in revenge.

Koroto: This represents Fear and Sadness, The Fire and Ice Demon cannot live long enough and decided to kill their own child, which is born both with fire and Ice.

David Stardream: This represents somewhat a mix between Transgression and Hatred, he got expulsion from school and wanted revenge, so he destroyed the magic school he was in.

Karuko: This represents Foolishness, He was a "Leader" and "Helper" to both Sides, but later that night, he was killed by the Shadows, he feared since he was a teenager.

Neilox A/Neil: This represents Gambling and corrupted miracle, He got into a roller coaster ride of pain and suffering, but now he is rich due to high luck, he died because of the house fire, burning all the wealth he had

Kenji Enrolen: No Interpretations but has one thing, being lazy.

Rita aries: This represents being left out, since the popularity, she was left out and left to her home, only to instead got her killed by the crash.

Valric Scarlet: This represents Revenge, He killed the Vampire Hunters and resulted in his own wicked death, sunlight.

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