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lanamackenzie You wanted more pictures from the set, so I deliver

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lanamackenzie You wanted more pictures from the set, so I deliver. Let's take a moment to appreciate these 4 studs... #Marvel #Avengers

tagged: robertdowneyjr, chrisevans, chrishemsworth, josswh

LIKES: 1.2M | COMMENTS: 932k

username1 😍😍😍😍

username2 this movie's gonna be so epic I can't handle it 😩

scarjo you can clearly see Joss's disapproving look 😂

lanamackenzie @scarjo I had to beg him the entire day so he'd let me post this

renner4real @lanamackenzie he was so done with your shit 😂

lanamackenzie @renner4real hey someone's gotta give the people what they want 🤷🏻‍♀️

username3 gosh I can't wait for this movie to come out 😭

username4 she still won't show us what the Harpy looks like 😒

robertdowneyjr seriously you couldn't get a more flattering picture? Looks like a firecracker exploded in my hair

lanamackenzie @robertdowneyjr dw you look best when only 20% of your face is showing

markruffalo @lanamackenzie BAHAHAHAHAHA Lana you're my hero

username5 can we talk about @chrishemsworth for a sec, it's like he's undressing me through the lens of the camera

reganmac well God bless america 👀

lanamackenzie @reganmac we're australian though???

marjani_k @lanamackenzie she's talking about spangles you dumbass

chrisevans 👀

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