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To: Lana Mackenzie
From: Darby Harris, Esq.
Subject: RE: Enforcement of Child Custody Order

Dear Miss Mackenzie,

I have reviewed your case and I believe something can be done. It is indeed within your custody rights to take your son Nolan on an overseas travel. The consent of your child's father is not necessary, however not having it can pose a problem.

I just wish Mr. Downey had referred you to me earlier, as cases involving children of a young age can be very delicate. I am sure you understand that the judge might take a long time to come to a decision and I cannot guarantee results before your trip overseas.

However, I am committed to seeing this through and I will do everything in my power to make sure the custody order is enforced in time to allow your holiday plans. The hope is to come to a settlement without needing to go to court.

The next step is to send me all the remaining documents so I can contact Mr. Walker's attorney.

I will let you know of the results of our meeting.


Darby Harris.


To: Darby Harris, Esq.
From: Lana Mackenzie
Subject: RE: Enforcement of Child Custody Order

Dear Mrs Harris,

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. I've attached the court order report as well as my son's identification documents.

I hope to hear from you very soon.


Lana Mackenzie.

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