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REGAN MACKENZIE wants to Facetime

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Regan: Hey sis!

Lana: Regan! So good to see you!

Regan: I know right, been a while since we facetimed!

Robert: (walking over) Hi Reg, how are you?

Regan: My favourite brother in law! How's it going Robert?

Robert: Not bad, you?

Regan: Pretty good actually. I'm glad I caught you both. I have an announcement to make!

Lana: Oh what is it?

Regan: Before I get into that, how's my little niece doing?

Lana: (smiles) She's doing great... been craving a whole lot of pickles lately

Robert: That's an understatement (laugh) Lana's causing a massive sell out of pickles on the west coast

Lana: That's literally all I can eat without getting sick these days

Regan: (laughs) I can't believe you're already starting to show!

Robert: Yeah, 12 weeks along and the baby's finally showing its head, huh?

Lana: (hand on her belly) is that a nice way of telling me I'm getting fat?

Regan: (laughs) It's a teeny bump, chill

Lana: (grumbles) I feel like a whale already

Robert: By the way Regan, what is it you wanted to tell us?

Regan: Right! (wide smile) So remember how I left my old job at the St Leonard museum?

Lana: Yeah?

Regan: I've been doing freelance stuff until I find a new gig and I was contacted by this guy, Craig Boyle. He's this bigshot art curator from New York. Apparently he's been following my work online and he really likes some of my pieces

Robert: So he's interested in buying them?

Regan: Yes, but that's not all. He manages this group of independent artists in Manhattan, he helps them sell their work, find galleries, sponsors their supplies... all that jazz

Lana: Yeah, and?

Regan: Well, he liked my work so much he offered to have me join his crew!

Robert: So he's basically going to be a manager and a sponsor?

Regan: Pretty much! He's VERY selective with the artists he picks. I can't believe he chose me!

Lana: (eyes widen) Aw Reg I'm so happy for you!

Robert: Congratulations honey, that's an amazing opportunity!

Regan: Thank you (wide smile) It really is amazing, I'm so excited!

Lana: Wait so if he's based in Manhattan does that mean—


Lana: OH MY GOD!

Robert: Holy shit, seriously?!

Regan: I knoooow I'm so excited and... (laugh) Lana are you crying?

Lana: (sniff) No...

Robert: (laughs) She's totally crying

Regan: Ahhh the hormones

Robert: You have no idea (shakes his head) I caught her bawling over an ad for cheese spread the other day

Regan: (burst out laughing) Seriously?

Lana: (wiping her eyes) Stooop... I'm just so happy we're going to be living in the same country for the first time in like a decade!

Regan: (smiles) I know right... it's going to be awesome!

Lana: I won't be able to move much with the kids and the pregnancy but you better come visit me all the time!

Regan: Will do!

Robert: have you found a place to live yet?

Regan: Not yet. I've started to look for studios in Hell's Kitchen... and I thought the rent in Sydney was bad! This is like paying mortgage for a three-story house!

Robert: Hey, don't worry about that. We'll help out

Lana: You know Robert's originally from New York. He can help with the house hunting, right babe?

Robert: Of course!

Regan: (smiles) Thank you, but I'll try to figure it out on my own. Getting stuck a few times is part of the fun, ay?

Robert: (chuckle) Still rocking the starving artist aesthetic I see

Regan: (smirk) You bet!

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