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lanamackenzie HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY 🎉 Catch these losers and I on Jimmy Kimmel's show tonight, January 3rd at 8:30pm Pacific Standard Time!

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lanamackenzie HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY 🎉 Catch these losers and I on Jimmy Kimmel's show tonight, January 3rd at 8:30pm Pacific Standard Time!

tagged: jimmykimmel

LIKES: 633k | COMMENTS: 78k

username1 they couldn't stay serious for a second of that interview

username2 @username1 is anyone surprised tbh

scarjo the fam reunion you've all waited for 👊🏻👊🏻

chrisevans no jokes it was so good seeing you all again

lanamackenzie @chrisevans glad to have cheered you up Chris!

username3 wait why is Lana saying that

username4 something wrong with Chris??

username5 he seemed normal during the interview, why does he need cheering up?

robertdowneyjr as expected, it was total anarchy

lanamackenzie @robertdowneyjr but we wouldn't have it any other way

robertdowneyjr @lanamackenzie ofc not

markruffalo I got bullied by 6 people on national TV but it was ok I guess

scarjo @markruffalo excuuuse me you almost gave out another spoiler

lanamackenzie @markruffalo how has marvel not fired you yet I don't understand

username6 AHAHAHAHA I remember that

renner4real guys do we all agree that @chrishemsworth needs an intervention

chrisevans @renner4real 100%

lanamackenzie @renner4real I was just about to bring it up

chrishemsworth @renner4real what are you talking about?

renner4real @chrishemsworth I'm talking about your tendency to overshare dude

robertdowneyjr @chrishemsworth rule of thumb: don't talk about adult diapers on national tv, or ever really

chrishemsworth @robertdowneyjr what???

renner4real @chrishemsworth you said, and I quote "my costume's pretty tight fitting and it takes ages to slip out of it, we don't always have time between two scenes so they offered to have me wear adult diapers"

lanamackenzie baaaahahaha now I can't stop imagining Hemsworth in adult diapers, what a way to destroy the myth 😂😂


scarjo @chrishemsworth too late, we will never look at you the same way again 😂

username7 oh my God Chris 😭😭😭

username8 Sooo is anyone going to talk about the obvious tension between Lana and RDJ??

username9 @username8 I agree it was piercing the screen

username10 guys I told you they are definitely secretly dating

username11 they never outright deny it either 😏

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