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lanamackenzie you're forgiven if you think they're in deep behind-the-scenes conversation about the meaning of our existence and how transient life is

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lanamackenzie you're forgiven if you think they're in deep behind-the-scenes conversation about the meaning of our existence and how transient life is... they're actually arguing about tap vs bottled water

tagged: robertdowneyjr, markruffalo, josswh

LIKES: 882k | COMMENTS: 374k

scarjo ok now I'm curious about the outcome of this conversation 🤔

robertdowneyjr I maintain bottled > tap

markruffalo @robertdowneyjr IT TASTES THE SAME

robertdowneyjr @markruffalo NOT EVEN CLOSE

lanamackenzie @markruffalo don't you know @robertdowneyjr is the biggest diva on planet earth

robertdowneyjr @lanamackenzie okkk you're enjoying the picture-taking privileges a bit too much 🙃

chrisevans someone needs to ban Lana from carrying her phone on set

lanamackenzie @chrisevans just like I need to ban you from stalking my sister on social media

chrisevans @lanamackenzie I HAVE NEVER DONE THAT

robertdowneyjr @chrisevans LIES

markruffalo @chrisevans LIES

scarjo @chrisevans LIES

renner4real @chrisevans LIES

chrishemsworth @chrisevans LIES

twhiddleston @chrisevans LIES

chrisevans I hate all of you

username1 Chris Evans is crushing so hard on Lana's sister and I'm living for it

username2 but they've never met???

username3 @username2 she's basically his internet crush, can you blame him hahaha 😍

username4 OMG I want them to meet so badly but she lives in Australia :(((

marjani_k @reganmac are you seeing this? 😂

reganmac @marjani_k oh I'm here, enjoying this from a distance... 👀

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