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Hi, it's me your lovely author. Just coming here to tell you that this idea of a plot was in my mind for a LOOOONG time and I can't wait to finally get it out there. This will be a book series following MULTIPLE CHARACTERS. NOT one character. This is the first book, hence the title obviously, and will be all about the one who started it; Holly. The other books will have different characters, with different plots, all connecting to the Woods family because they started it all. So the other books will have different girls, and different plots. This series will jump around to ALL my fandoms, each book has a different fandom or timeline of that fandom.
This fanfiction is going to take place in the Star Wars, the prequels. And yes, it IS going to be an Obi Wan Kenobi fanfiction for all you Kenobi fans out there.
Since this goes through the first 3 movies I'm changing Obi Wan's age in the first movie from 25 to 19 so they can be the same age.
But in case you guys were wondering how is works, every three years in Star Wars is one month in Earth time. Kind of like the Narnia affect where time passes differently.
Take care and don't forget to vote and comment on the chapters!! See you in a galaxy far far away my friends!

Universe Jumper (Book 1) In the Beginning {Obi Wab Kenobi}Where stories live. Discover now