Chapter 22

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   The first thing I felt was soft, then warm. I opened my squeezing eyes and nearly freaked out when I realized I was floating in mid air. I twisted to a standing position and the red halo around me slowly faded, setting me back down on the ground. Red torches lit up and showed a whole library, an ancient library with two corridors with door leading off.

   "Creepy. How did the Sith even manage to do that?" I asked myself, walking forward and gazing in awe at the library. It looked like THOUSANDS of books were in here, all looking extremely old and written by Jedi and Sith alike. I decided to try something.

   "Sith Magic." I said out loud and held my hand up. Multiple books zoomed out of the library and floated in front of me.

   History of Sith Magic, Vol. 1 of 4. A Jedi's View On Sith Magic. The Alchemy of a Shadow Jedi. And many more floated in front of me. Some covers were written in bright blue, orange or purple, or red runes. I assumed the blue was the Jedi, the red sith, and the other two Grey Jedi.

   "What is this place, how can I find it?" I ask out loud again and all the previous book flew away, replaced by one roll of parchment. I reached out my hand and it set itself in my palm. The paper was old and wrinkled, tied with a Grey Ribbon. I went and sat down in one of the leather seats, they had no dust. Must be an enchantment or something.

   I untie the ribbon and I roll the scroll, the paper crinkling under my hands it rolls into my lap as I read the delicate handwritten script. 

   "Hello traveler. I fear our order will be gone before you come, already is it shaky. In the first days of the Sith, the dark Jedi, we lived in harmony with the light force users. This temple was once a peaceful place where all could research. There is talk of a war soon, a war to "end all disagreements" they say. The twins are worried, I fear their bond will break and they will be forced to fight each other. Meanwhile- you are wondering how you can come to see this when no one else can.

   "Well, us strong with force Magic here decided that if it WAS to fall, we should make sure it was not found by someone who would destroy it. We ran this by the twins and they agreed, so we cast the spell with hopes that you would find this place. Now, I'm a grey Jedi myself so I have no problems with the light or dark side, do not be afraid of everything be interested instead. Just don't let it consume you.

   "Every book, training dummy, and tool here is at your disposal. One day, I hope, you bring our teaching back to light and see the dawn of another ear of peace between the sides. Farewell traveler, and good luck. Signed- Artenial Evekee, Grey Jedi, Sorceress, and Advisor. —5038 BBY." I finished reading and carefully rolled the paper back up. They abandoned the temple in 5000 BBY, if I remember correctly. So she had written this 38 years before it happened, they had been right.

   But something doesn't add up. Everyone (well not EVERYONE but you know what I mean) knows that there had been the war between the two sides, but nowhere in any records does it say that this happened. Either, the Jedi who did know were killed and the teaching were lost, or someone who wanted to make sure no one knew DELIBERATELY did not put it in the database.

   "Record Keepers from 6000 BBY to 5000 BBY." I call out and books fly out everywhere. I choose one and the rest all fly back to their spots after a wave of my hand and a mumbled "thank you". The Record of Record Keepers Vol. 2 7000 BBY to 5000 BBY. The title was written in Orange.

   I flip through the pages, trying to find who was Record keeper in 5000 BBY was. When I got to the end of the book and trailed down I found it. Beside the tiny paragraph of the keeper was a picture of them. I don't know why I started reading out loud, maybe to add to the atmosphere?

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