Chapter 24

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   The two Jedi stand in the elevator, unaware of the red haired padawan in the training rooms below.

   The one with a braid is a shifting nervously, his hesitance clear in the force. The other however, is just as nervous yet calmly keeping it to himself. He glances over.

   "You seem a little on edge." The long haired states. The one with a braid stop and looks over.

   "Not at all." He replies. Clearly still on edge.

   "I haven't felt you this tense since we fell into that nest of gundarks." The long haired Jedi brings up as the other scoffs, turning slightly towards him.

   "You fell into the NIGHTMARE, master, and I rescued you remember?" They both turn back around.

   "Oh... yes." The so proclaimed "master" starts to chuckle, joined by his padawan as they remember.

   "You're sweating. Relax. Take a deep breath." The master, none other than Obi wan Kenobi himself, leans over to tell the padawan. Anakin Skywalker.

   "I haven't seen her in ten years, master." Anakin says and they turn back, Obi wan With a slight smirk and Anakin with a stressed face.

   "We'll see Holly again too, you know. I know you had a thing for her." Anakin unexpectedly jabs at his master.

Obi wan's heart speeds up at the thought of the red haired Jedi, the one he harbored feelings for all these years. He inhaled shakily and exhaled, playfully glaring at his padawan who was smiling victoriously.

   "I KNEW it master! Now who's nervous." Obi wan rolls his eyes, swallowing down his risen nerves and replying-

   "At least I can contain myself." Anakin looks offended and they both start to laugh again. They fall silent and Obi wan is left to think about Holly. His heart jumps at the thought and he shoves it away, ignoring his stomach tying itself into knots. They aren't allowed attachments. No attachments.

   But somehow.... he feels that following the code will be harder than usual.


   "So. Tell me. What've you all been up to." I say, coming out of my room in new robes. My hair up in its signature braid.

   The two turn around, and I give them another smile.

"What? I'm allowed to be curious. All I've been doing is training up for my trials, protecting Padmé, and training my powers." I shrug and tighten the braid slightly, walking over to them.

I try to take my mind off the vision of Zam, the assassin sent to kill Padmé and instead focus on their current conversation. I realize they had both taken off their cloaks and subtly check Obi wan out. He looks good. Really good. But I shouldn't be thinking about that right now.

"Ah. Padmé covered the cameras. I don't think she liked me watching her." Ani tells me and I snicker.

"Don't flatter yourself Skywalker. You aren't THAT attractive yet." I walk over with Obi to the hallway and stop him.

"What is she thinking?" He questions in shock and I roll my eyes.

"If I was to guess she probably didn't want two old dudes staring at her while she was asleep." I tease, grabbing Obi's robes and yanking him around to meet Anakin before he could protest.

"Excuse you, I am your age!" He challenges me but I just smirk back at him.

"She did program R2 to warm us if there is an intruder." Anakin tells us and I nod, knowing she would be fine.

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