Chapter 28

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I sigh, leaning against my hand and trying not to yawn. My eyes made their way to his outline, standing in front of a bust of Count Dumba- I mean Dooku. I had a right mind to tell him that it was hopeless, but he had already asked for help.

"Obiiiiii. Come heeerree. I'm tired." I whine and he raises his eyebrows, walking over to me. I get up and lay my head on his shoulder, wrapping my arms around his middle. I close my eyes as one of his hands wraps around my waist, the other running gently through my hair.

Our force signatures meld together, and I feel an underlying emotion besides contentment in our bond. I lift my head to question him but something interrupts us.

"Ehm. You needed assistance Master Kenobi?" A kind voice ask and I sigh as we draw apart, our force signatures both slumping in disappointment. I look up at Jocasta Nu and see her face form back into a smile from a smirk. He clears his throat awkwardly and nods, going over to a computer.

   "Yes. I'm looking for a planetary system called Kamino. It doesn't show up on the archive charts." He sits down at the computer and she follows him. I slump down onto a chair next to them.

"Kamino. It's not a system I'm familiar with. Are you sure you have the right coordinates?" She asks, leaning over his shoulder.

I observe her and let my thoughts wander. Wow. She's old. Can she use a lightsaber? Old ladies are scary. They have this LOOK that they give. You know the one. The one where they're judging you not so silently? Yeah.

"According to my information it should be just South of the Rishi Maze." He points to the screen and I change my eyes to him. His eyebrows are scrunched in confusion, and his blue eyes reflected the light.

I feel a smile playing on my lips as I continue to observe him and realize that this was one of the biggest crushes I've ever had. And it wasn't some fangirl's crush anymore. Oh no no no. It was a real full on- I think I love you- crush. Wait. Love?!?

"I hate to say it, but it look like the system you're searching for doesn't exist." Jocasta states after doing a few things on the computer. She stands and shakes her head. Obi glances over to me in confusion and I shrug, my face flushing red.

Love. Love?! But what about the JEDI ATTACHMENTS RULE- get ahold of yourself Holly. Snap out of it. You have bigger fish to fry. And that fish has the name Sidious carved into it.

"Impossible. Perhaps the archives are incomplete." He turns back to the computer and then looks up at her. She steps back and looks offended. I hold back a snicker. Old ladies man.

"If an item doesn't not appear in our records, it does not exist." She says, her voice polite but her undertone clearly biting. She turns and goes to help a small padawan boy and I finally let out a laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" Obi glares at me, making me giggle even more.

"Y-you just got told off by an old lady." I giggle out and he growls a little- the sound making me freeze and flush dark red. He doesn't notice however as he gets up and grabs my arm- yanking me out of the chair and down the hall.

"Where are we going?" I ask and he freezes, causing me to bump into his back. I huff and wiggle out of his grip.

"Oh, stop sulking Sith Lord. We're going to Yoda." I start walking toward the younglings part of the temple and turn when I don't here him behind me. He looks slightly in shock at my affrontedness and I smile a little. God his eyes... snap out of it!

"Well? I'll race you there." I challenge, and before he can say anything I turn and sprint away. I hear him shout after me and laugh breathlessly- the chase taking me back to Naboo.

Universe Jumper (Book 1) In the Beginning {Obi Wab Kenobi}Where stories live. Discover now