Chapter 12

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I settle down with my phone, turning on the familiar screen. I planned on texting someone. Who? I have no idea. Maybe Vivian, probably Vivian, before I was swept away into another vision.

    I was on Naboo, in the palace. I followed the Viceroy and the Governor, trying to focus on their conversation and not the beauty of the palace.

   "You Queen is lost, your people are starving, and you, governor, are going to die much sooner than your people I'm afraid." The Viceroy states, sitting casually in his walking chair with droids marching behind them.

   "This invasion will gain you nothing. We're a democracy, the people have decided." The governor retaliates with fire, as he walks by the Viceroy's side. The Viceroy seems to become mildly annoyed and waves his hand to the droids.

   "Take him away." The alien tells them, and the governor is escorted off down a different hallway. Meanwhile, another droid with yellow markings approaches him.

   "My troops are in position to begin searching the swamps for these rumored underwater villages. They will not stay hidden for long." The droid reports in its classic flat voice. The Viceroy nods and I'm pulled out of the vision with a little gasp.

   "Huh. That actually gets easier." I mumble as the door of the ship slides open and out comes Padmé. She glances at me quickly and I nod to her. She nods back and continues toward what I GUESS would be the "answering machine". Or voicemail..... thingy. I'm not a totally expert okay!

   I stand up, and head to what I guess would be the living room of the ship. I didn't expect anyone to be up, after all we DID just have a stressful mission. But I was surprised, not unpleasantly so however, to find Obi wan curled up on the couch, his head drooping into his arm as he held up a book. I walk forward to find out it was one of mine, that I had brought. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I read in the soft golden cursive.

   A soft smile played on my lips when I notice the book had fallen onto his chest, his eyes closed. I walked forward and took the book, glancing at the page. He wasn't far into the book, maybe in the second chapter. Lucy meeting Mr Tumnus. Being honest I always had a feeling he would like this series.

   "I'm sorry. That was yours. I didn't mean to snoop." His voice startled me and I let out a quiet yelp, nearly dropping the book. My face flushed and I shake my head, giving it back to him and settling on the couch next to him.

   "No, go ahead. I had a feeling you would like that series. I have the rest back in my apartment on Coruscaunt if you want them." I shrugged my shoulders and looked up. His eyes lit up and I fought the urge to blush and hide my face like a schoolgirl.

   "Yes, please. They're very interesting. Well, at least I think they will be." I giggle at his exclamation and tap the cover.

   "Yeah, you haven't even gotten to the GOOD parts yet. Mr. Tumnus is only the beginning. Then there are the b-" he cuts me off with a hand on my mouth.

   "Don't spoil it!" He hisses and my muffled laughter rings out against his hand. He smiles and we sit there, blue against green, just staring. My mind starts back into place when his hand slides down to my cheek and I blink rapidly. He pulls his hand away and we sit there awkwardly, neither knowing what to say or do.

   "So. What do you think of Ani?" I asks hesitantly, not knowing what he was going to say. Obi wan smiles a little at we both looked towards the doorway, leaning a bit to see Padmé and said boy huddled together. I beamed in delight and basically whipped my head back towards him. He smiles in amusement and my face flushed in embarrassment.

   "Come on. Tell me that isn't cute." I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow. He just smirked and replied;

   "That isn't cute." My jaw drops and I let out an offended gasp.

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