Chapter 21

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I rocket up, gasping for breath as my sticky sweat pastes my hair on my neck. I shake my head and look out the window, seeing it was maybe two in the morning. I groan, and place my face in my hands. Another one.

I slip out of my bed covers and slip on a black and silver cloak over my night gown.

    I then took my lightsabers and carefully padded out the door of my room, everything was silent and dark in the apartment

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    I then took my lightsabers and carefully padded out the door of my room, everything was silent and dark in the apartment.

   I went to the door and slid it open, going out and sliding it closed behind me. I walked all the way to the Jedi temple, trying to clear my head from the nightmare. It wasn't too bad, but it was what would happen if I failed. Everyone who would die, and it would be all my fault.

I get to the meditation room in the temple and slide off my cloak, sitting down and closing my eyes. Breathing deeply I focus on good memories.

   I sit in the meditation room for many long minutes, trying to calm myself but I couldn't. Something was constantly putting me on edge, it was illusive and dark. I reach out my senses, trying to understand what it was but only got bombarded with the feeling from everywhere.

I grit my teeth and force my eyes open. What IS THIS? It's not Palpantine, there are no Sith here..... suddenly something I read about awhile ago on the Star Wars Wiki page dawns on me.

But there were once. I stand and look around, putting my cloak back over my head and covering my fire red hair. My bare feet pad down the marble floors as I feel in the force. I turn and follow a trail I had picked up, it was small and faint but the dark pull was definitely there.

I follow it, making little to no noise and I'm glad I decided to not wear shoes. The ribbon leads me through the hallways of the temple, twisting and turning, stopping before the council chamber. I frown, slowly pushing open the door.

It creaks lowly, despite being automatic, and I jump. A shriek is stuck in my throat and I hold my breath at the door continuously slides open.

Before I go in, I hesitate. I could go back to my chambers and pretend like it never happened, I don't know what I'll find down there. I consider it, but my curiosity wins and I step through the doorway, gazing around the deserted council room.

I walk towards the windows and gaze out over the city, it couldn't have been more than two thirty in the morning, the night was still strong and some of the lights had gone out in the buildings.

"Where are you? Why did you lead me here?" I whisper, turning around as a piece of my hair brushes against my face. If I was a hidden temple, where would I be. More accurately, if I was a Jedi and wanted to HIDE the hidden temple, where would I put it?

I walk around the seats, my eyebrows creased in concentration. I glance up and my eyes are drawn to the ceiling and floor. The ceiling was rather normal, just domed slight and quite plain. At least in the day.

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