Chapter 14

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   "The force is strong with him."

   "He is to be trained then?" Qui- Gon says in a deciding tone.

   "No. He will not be trained." Windu states, leaning back in the chair. I frown, sitting up straighter. I never liked this part of the movie. It puts so much pressure on so many people. Especially Obi Wan.

   "No?" Qui- Gon states in shock, putting his hands on his hips. Anakin stares at him, an unreadable expression on his face. He looks so done. Like- "bish. I left my mother for you a-holes." The thought almost makes me laugh.

   "He is too old." Windu states simply. Qui- Gon looks shocked.

   "He IS the chosen one. You must see it. And what about Holly? She began her training when she was 16." I Leaned back and put my hands up.

   "Hey hey. Don't bring my bizarre origin story into this. Blame the universe." I told him, wrinkling my nose. Obi Wan snickers a little but hides it with a cough. I suppress a smile.

   "Mmm. Clouded this boy's future is." Yoda states simply, and I bite my lip. Yeah. Clouded. Meaning: hey he's gonna turn to the dark side but don't worry there's still a slight chance he might not depending on Palpatine and if I can get to him in time. But I don't even know how without giving myself away so that means I probably need a backup plan. But what if Palpatine realizes I'm onto him and chases after me trying to KILL ME! OH MY GOD NO NO NO-

   "Oh I'm going insane." I snort a little in embarrassment and facepalm, dragging a hand down my face and laughing in little huffs. Everyone looks at me weirdly then goes back to the problem at hand.

   "I will train him then." Qui- Gon states, walking forward. I see Obi wan look at his master, almost in betrayal. I feel my heart hurt and hesitate.

   "I take Anakin as my Padawan learner." Qui- Gon utters in complete confidence. My eyes widen. Oh snap, stuff just got real.

   "An apprentice you HAVE, Qui- Gon. Impossible to take on a second." Yoda reminds him incredulously.

   "The code forbids it." Windu adds on coldly. I look up at Obi wan and tentatively open our bond, brushing against his signature.

   "Obi Wan is ready." Qui- Gon states and Obi wan Surges forward, making no move to notice he felt my brush.

   "I AM ready to face the trials." Obi supports it and I bite my lip, feeling still that he is upset from the way Qui- Gon simply discarded him. I connect to his signature again, this time stronger. I see his eyes flit over to me and I smile softly, pushing reassurance and support through the bond. I can see and sense the gratitude rushing through our bond to me, and I smile again.

   "Our own council we will keep on who is ready." My master states, narrowing his eyes and snapping me and Obi from our trance.

   "He is headstrong and he has much to learn of the living force but he is capable. There is little more he can learn from me." Qui- Gon presents his argument and Obi turns to him, as if to say something. Qui- Gon gives him a look and I grit my teeth, glaring down at the ground to keep myself from speaking out.

   I feel eyes on my and I raise my head, seeing Yoda looking at me in thought.

   "Wish to say something, you do. Afraid of the consequences, you are." He states slowly and I bite my tongue, casting my head back to the ground. Not saying anything, I give him my answer.

   "You shouldn't do that. I always hated it. In the movie I mean. When you.... did that. Among other things. It's unfair. It's wrong." I spoke passionately, not looking at anyone and not directing my words to anyone in particular. I hear Yoda hum and I shrink down again.

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