Chapter 20

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   In my defense, it seemed like a good time to go out for a jog around the grounds. It was almost night time, and it was cooling down significantly. Besides, I didn't KNOW I was going to stop a robbery.

Let's start over. So I'm jogging down around the temple....

"Goodbye masters." I call to Shaak Ti and Yoda. They had caught me before I left the temple and talked to me about my trials. My stomach turned and I shook my head, rubbing my temples.

The trials made me scared. I mean, I KNOW about them. Any self respecting Star Wars fan would. I'm not a savage. But, I don't know WHAT I'll face in there, it could be anything, and that scares me.

The thought of Palpantine flashes through my head and I shudder. Oh dear Skywalker no. I decide to go run around the temple around the time it starts to get cool. Obi and Ani aren't arriving until tomorrow afternoon so I'm free for now, I want to see Coruscant at night once more.

I start jogging at a steady pace, going through the area around the temple. I see some padawans and even younglings messing around in the gardens, walking/ running and talking, some even sat in the cafes around. I see Kyopi and Shira laughing together as they walk towards one of the cafes.

   Shira had a padawan braid tied off with a bright blue bead, it hung off her shoulder. Kyopi however had no padawan braid. I found that strange, she was talented. Extremely so. Why did she have no master?

   I jog over to them and tap their heads. The look up and give me blinding smiles.

   "Holly!" They shout identically. I wrap them in one arm hugs and walk in with them.

   "Hey kids. Did ya miss me?" I grin and use the force to tug Shira's braid. She pouts at me then does the same, giving me a mischievous grin.

   "Yes. How is senator Amidala?" Kyopi asks me as we trudge over to a booth, sitting down. They were on one side while I was on the other. I smile at the waitress as she gave us the menus  then turned back to the two padawans.

  "She's doing well. The tragedy at the landing platform gave us all a scare though. And gave me a couple new scars. Could be worse. Definitely could be worse. Uh, just hot chocolate and a chocolate chip cookie for me please." I told them and the waitress. The girl nodded and turned to the others. They each ordered some type of fizzy drink and small bowls of soup.

   "Yeah, I heard about that from master Adi Gallia." Shira states, her eyebrows creased in concern. Kyopi nods with a grimace on her face while my eyebrows go up.

   "So THAT'S your master! Adi Gallia. Congratulations by the way. Kyopi, has no one tried to claim you?" I question, leaning forward. Her eyes go down and she slumps in defeat.

   "I don't know. Maybe they don't like my demeanor? I question tons of stuff. Like why were not allowed to have 'attachments' yet some of the people on the council have families. Or, why can't we just learn to CONTROL our fear. If we did that it wouldn't get out of hand so much. Another one- we all fight for something. Which means we all need to love something or someone. So it's stupid that we can't have any romantic or platonic or physical attachments. Again, why are we taken from our families? That makes no sense. So we have no one, I thought I was an orphan for half of my entire childhood because no one told me what happened until I met my mom on a jog around the city. Totally by accident." The Twi' lek girl ranted, a increasing frown gracing her face.

   "Alright Kyopi. It's okay. Soon you'll find a master that will share what you think. Don't worry." Shira wraps her arms around her friend in a hug as the waitress delivers our food and goes off to serve someone else.

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