Chapter 32

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"Why does my head hurt so much." I groan, opening my eyes slowly as the memories flood my head.

I realize I'm tied up back to back With Obi and ignore the pounding in my heart at his warmth.

"Obi? Obi wake up!" I hiss, craning my neck to see him still asleep. I sigh heavily and looks around the circular room. There wasn't a lot, and I found it quite amusing to see us spinning.

The door makes a whooshing sound and slides open. I look over to me greeted with a very hated character. In both Star Wars and Lord Of the Rings.

"Oh. That's why. Hello Count Dracula. Come to suck our blood?" I smile sarcastically as he raises an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?" He inquires, putting his hands behind his back.

"Or maybe you're sent from a giant flaming eyeball to do his bidding. What type of orcs you got round here, wizard?" I continue to make references casually, lolling my head and pretending to be disinterested.

"I am no such thing girl. It would be wise to shut your mouth." He sneers, walking forward until we're almost nose to nose. I smirk at his clear confusion and lean as far as I could.

"Don't be stupid Dooku. I know who you are. I know what you've done." I retract my head from whispering and relax as much as I can in my bonds.

"And I know a Heck of a lot more about Sidious than either of you realize." STUPID! Holly?!? What are you thinking?!? This is bad bad bad bad. Why would to say thaaaa- he's talking.

"What are you talking about? What do you know?" He sneers and I put up a confident smirk while I was dying on the Inside from panic.

"Like a vampire like yourself would get it out of me. Gonna have to look for that ring of truth a little harder dude." I shut my mouth quickly as I see the anger and confusion in his eyes.

"I'll just have to persuade you." Maybe I should shut my mouth.

He snaps and Geonosians come into the room. I feel myself pale. Oh this can't be good. What did you do Holly. This is in between scenes right now. Anything can happen.

"Hey! Watch my hair you caterpillars!" I screech as they tug me down and drag me through the halls. They use those weird clicking sounds to communicate and I swear they were confused on "what was a caterpillar?"

The thought made me laugh a little, which quickly stopped as they yank my arms and lead me into a room. I look around.

"Well this looks cheery. I guess you needed a torture tower somewhere." I state in a bored tone as my eyes glide over the dark room.

It was made of stone- yeah yeah big shock I know- and has countless machines in it. I feel a
Shove run down my spine as I'm dragged over to chains on the wall.

"You will learn your place padawan." He says the word with a disgusted sneer and I glare up at him as they chain my arms to the wall. I felt my force powers being blocked.

Fluff. These are force resistant cuffs. Fluff I'm in deep schnitzel. I flex my fingers and try to cover up how absolutely terrified I am. This was torture. This is bad.

"Now. You're going to tell me what you know about my master and the Jedi. I don't normally like getting my hands dirty but you seem to mouth off more often than not." He drawls, tugging up his sleeves casually and drifting around.

"You look like Snape. He's a bat as well. But you're more old....and wrinkly... and- AAAAHH!" I let out a scream as he shoots a bolt of lightning and it hits my chest. My whole body felt like it was on fire and I find myself gasping for breath when it stops, still aching.

Universe Jumper (Book 1) In the Beginning {Obi Wab Kenobi}Where stories live. Discover now