Chapter 9

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   Anakin sits on my lap as Qui- Gon is cleaning a scratch he got. We look at the stars as Anakin asks questions and talks to us to pass the time.

   "Stay still Ani, let me clean this cut." Qui- Gon says and I wind my arms around his waist, keeping him on my lap.

   "There's so many. Do they all have a system of planets?" He asks and I smile down at him, looking back up and meeting Qui- Gon's eyes.

"Most of them." He replies to Ani's question after looking at me with a smile.

"Has anyone been to them all?" Ani asked again and I smiled, amused at how curious the little 9 year old is. He truly is a Jedi isn't he.

"Not likely." Qui- Gon answers again, chuckling and continuing to clean his cut.

"I wanna be the first one to see 'em all." Ani states excitedly and bounces on my lap. I laugh and kiss the top of his head lovingly.

"Well, I'm sure you will Ani. You're such a curious boy, and I believe you'll find all the answers." I say to him as I hear his mother yell for him to go to bed. He flinched back into my arms and grips my forearm when Qui- Gon takes the blood sample.

"Ow!" He hisses and I unwind my arms, rubbing his sides.

"There we are. Good as new." Qui- Gon finishes up bandaging it and rubs the bandaid.

"Ani, I'm not going to tell you again!" I look to the side and see his mother walk through the hallway into a different room, closer to us this time so she could more easily be heard.

"What are you doing?" Ani questions, leaning forward to see what Qui- Gon was doing to the sample. I grabbed his hips and lifted him up, him squirming and pounding on my back.

"Hey, let me down. Holly! Put me down!" He shouts and I laugh setting him down and hugging him.

"We're checking your blood for infections, so you don't end up, gasp, dying!" I faked choking and slumped next to him on the ground. He laughs and jumps on top of me. I held him back and soon we were a laughing mess on the ground.

I get up and lift him onto his feet, dusting him off and smiling. I kiss his nose and push him towards his mom, who was smiling in the doorway.

"Go on to bed now. You've got a big day tomorrow and you need all the rest you can. Sweet dreams." I push him one last time as he waves goodnight to us and disappears inside the house. Shmi watches him go and turns back to me, a fondness in her eyes.

"Thank you. You're like the big sister he never had. He loves you, I can tell." She grabs my hand in gratitude and I just bring her into a hug, drawing back and smiling.

"I love him too. He's like the little brother I've always wanted. You should get ready for bed too, behind every successful child is a parent or parents to push them and love them to be successful." I tell her and she smiles at me again, and I see little tears in her eyes. I nod at her and turn back to Qui- Gon, sitting back in my spot.

Qui gone gets the communicator ready and contacts the ship.

"Obi wan?" He asked through the com. and the reply is nearly instant.

"Yes master?" His voice rings out of the communicator and my heart nearly leaps from my chest. My eyes widen and I put two fingers to my pulse, shocked to see that it has risen. JUST from his voice.

"I need an analysis of this blood sample I'm sending you. I need a midi-Chlorian count." Qui- Gon glances at me and I nod. He inserts it in when Obi Wan says he's ready and we wait.

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