Chapter 36

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   "Ani! Padmé! So glad to see you! Come on in." I wave them in, energized from my nap and smiling brightly. Padmé smiles and hugs me tightly before moving into the living room while Anakin looks me over carefully.

   "You haven't been sleeping." He doesn't hide the deadpan in his voice and I sigh, pursing my lips and tugging him inside.

   "I'll explain later, I promise. I just want to be happy right now." His face softens, his hair was growing out and is slightly curly. He had become a Jedi Knight as well a month after me. Our little group couldn't be more happy.

   "Alright. No depressing thoughts until tea." He grins a little and I smirk, punching his shoulder and making our way to the living room. Ani and Obi hug each other before we each grab our cups and sit down.

   My hair was back in it's bun, and I was wearing the same clothes as earlier. I listen as Ani and Obi tell us about their mission with Padmé and snort into my cup when it is brought up that Anakin slipped and fell into the nest.

   "Really? Anakin Skywalker, Chosen one- death by mud. Sounds like a horrible tombstone Ani." I comment and he scoffs, shoving my shoulder with his hand as Padmé and Obi laugh.

   "The mud was slippery! How was I supposed to know it wasn't stable?!" He protests and my husband rolls his eyes.

   "You could start by listening to your clones for one thing. You know, the ones that did the scouting first." He takes a sip of his tea and Anakin splutters in embarrassment.

   "Poor Ani. It's alright, I'm sure lots of people slip down into a dangerous nests because of mud." Padmé teases and I double over in laughter and he groans.

   "You're all conspiring against me." He hisses, but I could see all the anger was fake, only happiness was present in his face. I feel my heart warm as Padmé kisses his cheek and reassured him that it's all in good fun. This, this is how it should be.

   "I like this. This is much better than canon." I mumble, taking a sip from my coffee and leaning into Obi Wan. He hums as Padmé starts to talk about the new bill in the senate.

   "Why don't they just change the part about the presidency of the corporations? In my old world we had a four year limit, then a new president gets elected. If the old president did a good job, he might get re-elected. But they're only allowed to serve for two terms." I pipe up and she bites her lip thoughtfully.

   "That's a good idea. It should keep from too much corruption if the workers are able to vote. It goes with the Democracy of the senate. I'm just worried about Sidious." She confesses and the mood takes a dip.

   "Sidious can't do anything yet. According to Holly, he doesn't really make another move until three years in the future. And he likes you, he'll try to support you to get even more on Anakin's good side." Obi wan reassures her and she nods, sitting back and thinking my offer over.

   "What I don't understand is how the council couldn't SEE or SENSE that Chancellor Palatine is Sidious!" Anakin huffs in annoyance, picking at his robes. I perk up and place my coffee in the table.

   "Actually, I have a theory about that." I chirp and shove Obi's side when he mumbles; "oh no, a theory." He just chuckles and I roll my eyes.

   "So, I don't know how many people know this since it isn't in the archives and no one in this temple is old enough to remember. Besides maybe Yoda, but this temple is built ON TOP of an old Sith temple." I explain and hear noises of shock from all three of them.

   "Yeah, I know. I have absolutely no clue whose BRILLIANT idea that was." I say sarcastically.

   "So by that theory, the dark side is all around them. They couldn't sense Sidious because they're already influenced." Padmé realizes and I point at her, nodding.

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