Chapter 33

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"There's Ani!" I yell across the way to Obi. We were next to each other, our hand chained above our heads in the hot sun.

He looks over at the chariot coming out and sighs, hanging his head. I snicker, using my powers to blow some sand his way gently.

"Relax. Haven't you always wanted to die surrounded by the people who love you most!" I shout and see him roll his eyes at me in exasperation. It makes me smile and I look over at Ani and Padmé.

   Padmé is chained beside me as Ani is chained beside Obi and I grin over at her.

   "Fancy seeing you here." I state casually, and she looks over at me in amusement.

   "You knew." I just wink at her statement and motion with my hand. She grins and shows me the two Bobby pins. I use the force to grab one and start on my cuffs, thankfully they aren't force resistant this time.

   I'm hit by a vision, nearly making me drop the Bobby pin and I wince at the force of it. No pun intended. Obviously.

   "The Commerce Guilds are preparing for war. There can be no doubt of that." One man states and I furrow my eyebrows. Coruscant. Sidious. Yoda. Okay so this was a while ago.

   "Count Dooku must have made a treaty with them." Sidious, screw calling him Palpantine, states and I scowl- crossing my arms. My displeasure ripples through the force and I see Windu and Yoda look around.

   Another senator speaks in some weird alien language I don't know, and the one who first spoke leans forward.

   "Unfortunately the debate is not over. The senate will never approve the use of clones before the separatists attack." I tilt my head. Dang right they won't. Which is why, begrudgingly of course, Sidious must allow the clones to come to the aid of the Jedi.

   "This is a crisis. The senate must vote the chancellor emergency powers. He can then approve the creation of an army." Yeah, an army that won't kill the Jedi! HA HA SUCK IT SIDIOUS!

   "But what Senator would have the courage to propose such a radical amendment?" Sidious pretends to look upset and I cross my arms tighter, scuffing my shoe against the floor.

   "If only....Senator Amidala we're here." Oh stuff it you oversized ox. He does look like an ox. A blue ox.

   The setting changes rapidly until I'm standing beside Windu and Yoda in the senate building. I look around and notice Jar Jar in the middle. Here it goes.

   "It's-a clear desa separatists made a pact wesa desa federation du trade. Senators, "dellow felagates". In response to this direct threat to the Republic, mesa propose that the senate give immediately emergency powers to the supreme chancellor." He announced and the body erupted into approving cheers.

   "It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy. I love the Republic. The power you give me, I will lay down when this crisis has abated!" Sidious announces and I sigh through my nose. It was done. Sidious now has power over the senate.

   It was needed however. Otherwise the Jedi would be dead before the third movie. Now that, would not be good. At least Order 66 is gonzo.

   "It is done then. I will take what Jedi we have left and go to Geonosis and help Obi Wan and Holly." I put a hand to my chest. Awww Windu said my actual NAME. Not "Padawan Woods." Or "Ms. Woods." No he said my NAME!!! Holly. Calm.

   "Visit I will the clones on Kamino, hmm, and see this army they have created for the Republic." Yoda replies and before anything else I'm yanked out of the vision and back into the real world.

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