Chapter 6

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   "An extremely well put together little droid Your Highness. Without a doubt it saved the ship, as well our lives." The captain tells the queen as we stand in front with R2.

   "It's is to be commended. What is its number?" The queen asks him and he checks.

   "R2-D2, Your Highness." He replies.

   "Thank you R2-D2, and you Holly Woods. I heard you saved the life of one of my handmaidens, Padmé, by taking a shot for her,
and protected R2-D2 while he fixed our ship. We are also in debt to you. Padmé, clean this droid up best you can. It deserves our gratitude. Holly, what do you wish?" The queen asks me and I stand there, my mouth open.

   "Nothing Your Majesty, Just the knowledge that everyone on this ship is as safe as they can be." I bow and she nods.

   "Very well. Captain continue." The captain shifts looking at us.

   "Your Highness, with your permission we're heading for a remote planet called Tatooine. It's in a system far beyond the reach of the Trade Federation." Qui- Gon steps forward.

   "I do not agree with the Jedi on this." The captain retaliates fast.

   "You must trust my judgement Your Highness." Qui- Gon says and the queen thinks.

"Very well. We will land on this Tatooine. I request Holly come to my chamber after this, I have something to discuss." I feel terrified but I bow and follow her into he room the handmaidens ( excluding Padmé) after us.

   "You know that I am a decoy, and that Padmé is the actual Queen. How do you know this?" The Queen questions and I shift on my feet.

   "I have visions, Your Highness. That's how I know you are Padmé's bodyguard. Don't worry, I will not tell nor let anything happened to cause someone else to know." I say. She smiles.

   "Thank you again, Holly Woods. Your master would be proud." I smile and bow, saying my thank you and leaving the room. I grin to myself and make my way to the control room of the ship. I enter as we're coming into Tatooine's atmosphere.

   "Oh look, we're approaching the sand trap. At least it's not water." I say and go lean on the back of Obi wan's chair. He looks up at me and rolls his eyes, I just smirk and shrug.

   "Land near the outskirts. We don't want to attract attention." Qui- Gon suggests as we pull down to the planet's surface.

   "Right. Well I'm going with you." I state and Obi Wan flips his chair around causing me to slip off and brace myself with his shoulders. We were nose to nose and barely daring to breath as the pilot put us down. I tried not to glance down at his lips and stay focused on his eyes, which didn't really help.

   No attachments, no attachments, NO ATTACHMENTS GET AWAY FROM HIM! My mind screams and I pushed myself off quickly. Stumbling away and straightening as fast as I could. He blinked and shook his head.

   "No your not. If sand gets in that wound it could-" He starts but I hold up my hand and walk out of the room toward the mechanics area, to check to see if I knew what parts we needed.

   "Talk to the hand cause the woman ain't listing Kenobi." I shout back. I heard him get out of his chair and follow me.

   "I can HEAR that eye roll." I yell again with humor to my voice and he laughs. As we check the mechanics Qui- Gon and the Captain talk about something.

Third POV

   "Did you feel that? Because I definitely felt that." The captain asks Qui- Gon and they look towards the two young padawans, checking over the hyperdrive and laughing.

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