Chapter 19

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I pant. Leaning on my knees in the darkened streets of Coruscant about a month after the Battle of Naboo. This was dangerous. I should be CLOSER to Ani. Not farther.

But it's for the best. It's for the best. And all I can do is wait.....


"Funny Padmé. Flipping hilarious. How many times do I have to tell you, Jedi are forbidden to have any attachments." I tell her as we fly in one of the tiny pods behind the ship she was supposed to be in.

   "But that didn't stop you and Kenobi from having CHEMISTRY. Come on, everyone saw it except for you too. It was killing us." She shoots back and my face goes as red as my hair again.

   "I regret telling you these things." I growl, flipping a couple switches as we enter the atmosphere. My phone plays "I Lived" quietly in the background as we fall into silence.

"Even the thing about the Chancellor?" She speaks in a darkened, hushed tone. I tighten up and shake my head.

"No. Not that. You needed to know. If I.... if I die, you need to warn everyone." I tell her once more, she looks at me with her dark eyes. They hold compassion.

"You won't die." She states, but I don't respond. There is always a chance I won't survive, which is why I told Padmé everything. Well, not everything everything. Just the part about Palpantine being Sidious, and me being from another world where they're characters in a movie.

It's been ten years, ten years and I've counted down the days. When they told us we would be going back to Coruscant I knew it was the second movie starting up.

I had managed to continue watching the movies, and train with my master in between being Padmé's personal guard. He's guided me and I've been able to harness most of my power.

"How has the training been going? Didn't he say you would become a Master soon? You must be very excited!" She switches the subject and I nod my head eagerly.

"Yes. I am very eager. I can somewhat control air, fire, and dirt. Water is the strongest, kind of ironic considering my fear of it. But no matter what I do, living things like plants, animals and beings I cannot control. Yoda says it's okay, that I'm pushing myself as it is." I explain but scowl. I need to be at my best. Good enough, okay, isn't OKAY.

"Well. Maybe the force doesn't want you controlling things that are out of our hands. Living things shouldn't be controlled." She suggests, putting on the helmet as we land on the platform. Furrowing my eyebrows, I nod.

"Maybe you're right. Okay. Let's go start this movie." I grin and flip up my hood, opening the cockpit. She smiles back through the helmet and we get out, I in my Jedi Robes (same ones from before) and she in the pilots uniform.

The other pod touches down as well and the head of security, Gregar Typho, climbs out. He takes off his helmet, revealing his eyepatch and stands next to us as the Naboo Cruiser opens its doors.

"Nick." I greet, smirking at his eye roll. I started calling Typho Nick or Fury a while back, since I can't do it with Windu. Well, not yet anyway. I plan to.

   "Holly. I still don't get that." He says to me. I just snicker under my hood and watch her double come down the ramp, flanked by guards.

"You aren't supposed to. It's a reference." I continue to snicker but control my laughter, steeling my face into my "business mask". The stoic expression never looks like me, scares me sometimes how shut down and cold I look. But I mean business, and I need to look it.

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