Chapter 38

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The next week was a blur that found me helping around the temple, researching in the Sith Library, and training harder than ever. It was only a matter of time before I had to go on a mission. I wasn't sure what to expect, as I hadn't been assigned any clones or a Padawan. Anakin hadn't been assigned Ahsoka yet and I felt awkward to ask, hence training to work out my frustrations.

"I want to fight someone, but I don't know if any of the Padawans or Knights...want to." I say to Ani as we walk into one of the training rooms. Ani gives me an understanding look and squeezes my shoulder.

"I get what you mean. When it got out that I was the Chosen One..." His muttering trails off and I frown. I had always wondered why Anakin seemed to have no friends, then I actually came here and realized the younglings and Padawans probably were either too scared, or wanted to just for the glory.

"Well, cheers to not having a partner." I joke, holding out my water canteen. He laughs and clinks his against mine as we settle down in a corner to watch the Padawans. A few more filed in and I grin when I see Kyopi and Shira entering.

"Yo! My two favorite kids!" I shout and they look over at my voice. They break into grins and Kyopi runs over to me, Shira jogging behind her. She tackles me in a hug and I laugh, squeezing her back just as much. Shira hugged me next, though much more subdued than Kyopi.

"Holly! You don't have your braid anymore! That's great!" Kyopi gasps and Shira blinds me with a smile, they settle down across from us and I feel Ani shuffle awkwardly.

"I know! I was made a knight after....well you guys deserve to know. I sassed off Count Dooku, got tortured for information before the battle of Geonosis, then afterwards flew after Dooku- faced off against him and protected Ani and Obi, then stole some Death Star plans. Oh yeah, Kyopi, Shira, this is Anakin Skywalker. Anakin, these are the first two younglings I met in the temple when I first came." I grinned at their shocked faces.

"'Sup. I'm Kyopi." She just nodded to Ani with a grin and stuck out her hand. Ani shook it hesitantly and she grins even more, turning back to me.

"You SASSED Count Dooku and LIVED?! Please tell me absolutely everything about this." I laughed and launched into an explanation of what happened on the desert planet. I faintly heard Shira and Anakin strike up a conversation about the different sword forms and pros and cons of the trials.

"Basically that's how you piss off a Sith Apprentice. Ten out of ten for great memories and laughs but zero out of ten for enjoyment of torture. Sith lighting really sucks." I wince as I think about it and Kyopi, who had moved to lean next to me, just links arms with me and grins.

"Well I for one want to do that someday. Maybe not the torture part, but you just seem so awesome." She looks over at the other Padawans and her grin fades slightly. I notice she still didn't have a braid. My face forms into a frown and I feel a sinking in my stomach as a thought sprung up.

Holly no. No Holly. You have enough to worry about. You don't need a Padawan as well. That is something to think about later. But, I might get assigned one anyway. No, you won't. You know you won't. You're too....I'm too what? You know what? I'll propose the idea.

"Kyopi. I'm a knight now." I state and she snorts, rolling her eyes and giving me an incredulous look.

"Uh, yeah. Kinda got that." I can't help but laugh in amusement as well and shake my head.

"No, I mean...I don't know if I can right now. But eventually, if you would like, I could...maybe... be your master." I propose carefully and her face morphs from shock, to gratitude, to happiness. I see tears forms in her eyes.

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