Chapter 27

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   We stand at the ship port, they would be traveling to Naboo, then immediately going to Tatooine. I was nervous they wouldn't make it, but by my calculations they stayed on Naboo for a least two weeks before they went to Tatooine in the original so this is better than nothing.

   "Ani, be careful. If your mother is hurt, or god forbid she dies.... just, don't go batshit crazy and kill everything. Okay that's all I needed to say, love ya." I rush out and grip him in a hug, kissing his cheek affectionately. He laughs a little but nods, squeezing me in our hug.

   "Padmé. Don't do anything stupid. And for goodness sake confess woman!" I hiss to her and she smiles, looking over at Ani who was talking to Obi wan.

   "Only if you promise me you will." She states seriously, turning back to me. I meet her eyes and stutter, flashes of their marriage later come before me and for some reason I nod.

   "Fine." I mumbled and she grins victoriously. She holds out her pinky and I laugh, linking it with mine in a "pinky promise". I showed it to her jokingly one time and now it was our thing.

   "Anakin. Do not do anything first without consulting me or the council." I hear Obi wan tell him in a soft voice as I embrace Padmé. Softer than in the movie.

   " careful Anakin. Don't....get hurt." He struggles out and as I come to stand next to him I see Ani's surprised but happy face. I meet his eyes and smile brightly once again. Brotherly trust? Going up.

   "We'll get to the bottom of this plot quickly my lady. You'll be back here in no time." Obi states to her and she smiles.

   "I'll be most grateful for your speed master Jedi." She states softly and Ani turns.


   "It's time to go." The padawan states, smiling one last time at Holly and Obi wan. Padmé says her final goodbye and starts to follow him.

   "Anakin. May the force be with you." Obi wan rushes out, smiling at his Padawan. Ani feels a happiness spark in him, and nods his head back.

    "May the force be with you, master. " 'And tell her.' He says through their bond. Obi's eyes widen and they flicker to the red head beside him who was obliviously smiling at Padmé in reassurance.

   'I'll.....try.' The master gives in and Ani grins triumphantly. But his grin falls when his master glances at Padmé then him. 'If I have to tell, you have to tell. not do anything too rash Anakin. Please.' The concern in his master's voice was enough for Ani to smile and nod.

   Then, with Ani taking most of the luggage, they get out of the bus and start walking towards their transport. All four thinking the same thing. 'When should I tell them?'


   "I do hope he doesn't try anything foolish." Obi's voice chimes from next to me and I feel his worry in the force. I grin to myself, thinking of everything.

   "I'd be more concerned about her doing something, than him." Typho replies as we watch them board and leave. I sigh and tilt my head up.

    "So. Where to now?"

   We walk into the diner and the door chimes. A robot immediately comes up and whisks us off to a table. I sigh and leans back, staring out the window.

   "We're here to see Dex." I hear Obi say and the robot swivels around.

   "Someone to see you honey! Jedi by the look of them!" The robot yells back into the kitchen. I grin slightly, I always loved the way the lady spoke. The Besalisk looks up and grins.

Universe Jumper (Book 1) In the Beginning {Obi Wab Kenobi}Where stories live. Discover now