Chapter 16

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   This is literally me. I'll have it paused because I'm writing and my mom will walk in and be like; "why is this still paused??" Anyway, enjoy.

A little while later, Jar Jar come back with news. I stand next to Captain Panaka as he shakes off the water, shivering as there is heavy mist in the air.

   "Let me guess. They're gone." I state, frowning. I draw my cloak tighter, glancing around into the green. Something isn't right.

   "Yousa right. Desa nobody dare. The Gungan city is deserted. Some kinda fight Mesa tinks." Jar Jar nods to me, and the two Jedi turn to each other in confusion. I look back to see Ani, the fake queen- now dressed in some badass clothing- and the handmaidens plus Padmé- also in some badass clothing.

   "Do you think they have been taken to the camps?" Obi questions, and we turn to Panaka as he says;

   "More likely they were wiped out." I frown and shake my head.

   "I don't think so. Gungans would not be destroyed so easily. But somethings wrong...." my voice trailed off and I zoned from the conversation.

   "Holly.....Holly!..... HOLLY!!!" I heard someone scream and whipped out my staff, sweeping my leg under whoever turned toward me. They slam in the ground and I point my staff at their throat.

   "What do you want?" I yell, an unfamiliar feeling running through my veins. A burn, but a good burn. It travels through my body until whispering appeared in my head. I grunt as I'm swept off my feet and hit my head on the ground.

   "Mother Trucker. That hurt like a buttcheek on a stick." I moan, the voices fading and a pain pulsing at the back of my head. I then laugh a little, realizing a quoted a vine. I'm so sad.

   "Holly? Are you alright?" Someone puts their hand on my forehead as I open my eyes and struggle to focus. I see Ani next to me, and as I regain feeling in my limbs I feel him holding my hand. I groan again and struggle up.

   "I'm fine. I think. What exactly happened. Everything's a weird blur. I heard screaming, then whispering, then I'm on the ground. Not a great start to the day I'll tell ya that." I tentatively touch the back of my head, relieves that the pain was almost gone.

   "You attacked Panaka, I had to bring you down. Your eyes did glow green for a moment though." Qui- Gon helped me up and I rub my temples.

   "Lovely. Voices in the woods, attacking a co-worker, I think I'm going insane. How flipping wonderful. Truly universe. Amazing." I grumble sarcastically as we walk along after Jar Jar, my head still spinning slightly. I hear Obi wan chuckle slightly and feel him touch my head with his warm hand.

   "Here." He mumbles and I breath a sigh of relief when a warm feeling pulses through my skull, lessening the pain and clearing my vision.

   "Thanks. Guess this universe hates me." He laughs and we continue talking while we walk, enjoying each other's company. I didn't even notice when we were found by their patrol, or when we stopped walking. Only that Obi wan pulled me back by out interlocked hands, which I also didn't realize. When had that happened!?

   My face flushed and I clear my throat shyly. He looks confused before I look down at our hands and he goes red, mumbling a "sorry" and let's them go. I miss their warmth almost immediately, then chastise myself for the stupid thought.

   "Your honor, Queen Amidala of the Naboo." The general announces us and we shuffle forward.

   "Uh, h-heyo dadee, Big Boss Nass, Your Honor." Jar Jar stutters,bowing slightly afterward.

Universe Jumper (Book 1) In the Beginning {Obi Wab Kenobi}Where stories live. Discover now