Chapter 37

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"Okay, okay hear me out. The planet the Jedi started on, is clearly lost to time. Your archives will have absolutely nothing on it. But, I think I can find it." I explain at their faces, putting up my hands with another grin.

"How?! Is this another one of your... other world things?" Anakin asks me and I wrinkle my nose.

"Sorta? When I left they were in the process of making even MORE movies, but that was from Disney and us true fans all knew it was a load of crap. Just another money making ploy. The only good thing that came out of it was the fact that Luke, somebody important who I cannot tell you about sadly, was rumored to be on the planet the Jedi first came from. And me being me, decided to do some research on the fan sites. Let us have a moment of silence for Fandom Wikia as I can no longer access it." I pause and bow my head. Then I jump back into my explanation.

"Anyway, so I did my own kind of research and realized there were multiple places the Jedi could come from, and no one really knew where. My theory was that there was one planet but it was such a carefully guarded secret because it was powerful with the force that people forgot about it. Coincidently, or not, the place I research in has shown me that the Sith and Jedi used to be a lot more...peaceful. Balanced. They respected each other, and beings like the Grey Jedi were highly respected since they could walk the fine line between both sides of the force." I take a deep breath.

"Wait, wait. Where do you get your information?" Padmé inquires and I wince, biting my lip.

"Uhm. It's a long story. I can't really tell you because it's only meant for me to see. The way down is written in English, my original language." I twist my ring on my hand nervously and Obi wan nods.

"We have trusted you this far, I suggest you continue telling us your idea." He states and Ani nods his head, his eyes alight with interest.

"Alright, so, where was I? Right, the secret. Basically, I think I can narrow it down to the planet, and we can go check it out. Or I can. Whenever or whatever we can do. It'll be hard with all the battles going on, and Sidious trying to get into our business, and the Jedi Order being it's Jediness, but we can get there eventually. I can just feel it!" I smile in excitement, looking between my three friends.

Ani was grinning as well, Padmé was more reserved but was smiling and the glint in her eye made me know she was ready, and Obi was staring at me with fondness. I blushed under his gaze and slip my hand into his, squeezing his fingers.

"And....if the Jedi ever find out about us, we can go there. To live and teach our kids and grandkids. We may be able to create a totally hidden area." I chirp, trying not to feel how sad it would be to be kicked out of the order. The mood sobers for a moment at the reminder before Ani jumps up with a smile.

"Then what are we waiting for? Start researching now and we can go as soon as possible." Padmé puts a hand on his arm to calm down his nearly vibrating body. Huh, maybe Ani had ADHD, would make a lot of sense for a lot of stuff- FOCUS!

"Actually, Holly I think you should rest. You look absolutely horrible and what's this I hear about how you've only been sleeping a few hours each night? Skipping meals? You know better." Padmé chastises and I let out a groan, rolling my eyes and glaring at Obi wan who just puts up his hands.

"I've been....busy. It's kinda difficult to juggle everything right now. I'm always afraid Sidious is gonna show up at my door and either, 1) Arrest me for something stupid just so I'm out of the way. 2) Just outright kill me. 3) Blackmail my butt off. Or 4) Threaten me or you guys immensely." I sigh, rubbing my face and plopping down on the couch tiredly.

"Hey, at least you have us. You don't have to do this alone. I'll make sure to keep him relatively busy in the senate, Ani will keep playing along with his games, and Obi wan will help you with the Jedi." Padmé states softly, wrapping a gently arm around my back and bringing me into her side. I sigh again and nod, closing my eyes.

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