Chapter 23

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I groaned. Flopping down, hardly dignifying, on the couch and leaning my head back. My face felt scratchy from all the makeup. I close my eyes and breathe deeply, sinking into the force and trying to forget all about what happened at the senate......


"The honorable senator of Naboo." Palpantine calls and we shoot out, Padmé standing up preparing to speak. I glance around, my face expressionless and cold. Everyone I met eyes with looks down, my eyes piercing them.

"Honorable representatives of the senate...." She starts to talk and I tune her out. I instead glance around and eyes to pick out shady beings. Or at least the ones I know are part of the Separatist Council. The Trade Federation is always shady, then there are the banking clans. They were always a little TOO watchful. I don't see any others currently, so I look back at Padmé.

"Thank you." She steps down and goes back to sitting next to me, folding her hands on her lap. I glance over at her.

"Did it go well?" I ask lowly, as other start to talk and Palpantine calls for order. She raises her eyebrows slightly.

"Well enough. We'll just have to wait. Did you see anything?" She inquires as our senate floating thing locks back in. I shake my head.

"No. Not yet. I dare say it- I think we'll be in the clear for this one. Too many people here support you I think for someone to be stupid enough. Besides, I'm here. And most of these people have at least HEARD of me." I smirk over at her and she smiles back, nodding her head.

"Yeah, they'd be quite dumb if they wanted to attack me here." We sit in silence until she is called up again, and again, and a few more times. Soon I ended up tuning everything out and almost sleeping. I hated senate meetings. See? This is why I hate politics, always have always will.

The meeting lasted three hours. Which I'm sue you've read already but I don't care I'll do what I want that 4th wall can go away. Actually don't. That would be bad. Palpantine in the real world? Noooo thank you.

There's always an after party, where politicians get drunk and whatever else. We never go but this time.... we did.

"Why the fluff are we going to this thing? I really want to go home." I complain, dragging my heeled boots along the marble floors. She rolls her own eyes and prepares to open the doors.

   "Just.... try and enjoy yourself. We'll be here for 20minutes to an hour. Depends how long it takes to talk to them." I sigh and nod to her, steeling my face and trying to to let my annoyance at being here show.

The doors open and we walk through, all the politicians were in their fancy getup with glasses of alcoholic drinks in their hands. Some were dancing, most were talking.

"This brings back a phrase from my world. Enemies on the stand but partners on the floor." I mutter and move along with Padmé as she maneuvers through laughing politicians and giggling servants. I cringe away and try not to scrunch up my face too much. Disgusting.

"Ah! Senator Amidala. So glad you could join us. Come come." A man ushers Padme over to a couch where others sit. I follow her, glaring at the man when he opens his mouth to protest. Padme notices and she hold her hand out at him, giving him a raised eyebrow.

"She is my body guard. A Jedi. She goes with me everywhere. She is allowed to come in." Her voice had an underlying him of anger to it, causing the man to step back and smile at me. It was a strained smile.

"My mistake...." He looks for my name, I do not give it but instead take my place next to Padmé. She smiles slightly then turns back to the others. I gaze around, realizing they are all senators I do not know.

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