Chapter 2

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My obnoxious alarm blared from the side. I groaned, annoyed and slammed my hand down on my phone. I opened my eyes and frowned, not recognizing the ceiling. I sat up, my rats nest hair falling in my face. I glanced around and the memories from yesterday came back.

I squeaked and tried to leap out of the bed, only succeeding in getting my foot twisted in the sheets, causing me to flail my arms trying not to trip. Despite all my best efforts I still managed to face plant into the carpet by my bed.

"Mother Trucker." I groaned and lifted up my head, strands of hair falling in my face. Did I mention I could be super clumsy? I took quite a while to get myself out of the sheet cocoon that had wrapped its way around my waist. By the time I had stood up to check the time, my 8:30 wake up time had changed to 9:10. I scrambled from my sitting position and flung open my closet. Shedding my grey sweats and green tank top I flicked through my clothes frantically searching for an outfit.

   "Fluff, fluff, fluff." I chanted to myself as I snagged dark green leggings, a black bra, and a grey sweatshirt. I slid on my darker grey converse and sprinted out to make the bed. I checked the time; 9:35. I can do this.

  I sprinted into the bathroom brushing my teeth and hair at the same time. I pull up my hair into a sloppy pony tail, and mange to wash my face before I here a knock on my door. I sprint out of the bathroom, snag my phone and straighten myself before I open the door, calming my breathing. {her hair below}

   I open the door and there stands Master Windu

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   I open the door and there stands Master Windu. He looks at me expectantly, taking in my attire. I cough, uncomfortable, and he turns away starting to walk away. I jog to keep up with him, again trying to memorize the way to my apartment.

We stop outside the council room and he goes in. I follow him shortly and stand in the middle of the council, all their eyes on me. I shift and glance around, feeling like they were judging me, which was probably true.

"I think I know how Anakin felt now.." I whimpered under my breath. Windu pulls out the testing screen.

"You will attempt, ATTEMPT, to divine the images shown on the screen. Starting now." He presses the button and my stomach drops.

"Oh fluff muffins... This a mistake I ca- Wait. It's.. a gun? No not just any gun. A Naboo royal pistol. Oh gosh, the same one used by Padmé Amidala! It's also called a ELG-3A blaster pistol." I gushed, my stomach lifting as the vision faded and a new one took its place.

Maybe I COULD do this!

"It's a N-1 star-fighter. A ROYAL N-1, luxury star fighter." I smiled, feeling a little more confident. Windu raises his eyebrows at my quick and complete answers. He glanced as Yoda who hums thoughtfully and goes back to studying me.

"Oh! Um, lets see. Geonosian electro-staff. I believe." Windu nods his head and flicks to the next one.

"A normal cup." I say, slightly confused. Why would they show me harder things then give me a simple one.

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