Chapter 5

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   "We jump down and surprise them in three.. two.. one... now!" I whisper and we all jump down. Jar Jar got stuck, causing me to groan slightly, the two Jedi drew their lightsabers and I twirled one of my staffs.

We started attacking the droids, Obi wan kicks two on the way down and slices with his lightsaber, Qui- Gon also slices them. I bashed a few and force pushed the others. One goes to shoot a handmaiden and I jump in front, hissing in pain when the laser hits my arm. I ignore it and slam my staff into its side, breaking its control panel.

"Thank you." The handmaiden states breathlessly and I turn, to see Padmé. I smile and wink at her.

"Of course.... your majesty." I whisper. She looks shocked but I just put my finger to my lips and nod at her. Signally her secret is safe with me. I walk over to the others, ignoring the pain in my arm.

"We should leave the streets your highness." Qui- Gon says and I run ahead, my staff out to make sure we aren't seen. I motion my hand and they come up behind me, nodding their thanks.

"We're the ambassadors for the supreme chancellor-" Qui- Gon explained but was cut off by the governor.

"Your negotiations seemed to have failed, ambassadors." He scoffed. I sighed heavily.

"The negotiations never happened. We were nearly killed, and managed to hitch a ride on one of their transports down here. As you can see, we're a bit low on time so we need to get the show on the road." I clap my hands, gritting my teeth at the waves of pain sent through my arm.

"They've knocked out all our communications." The Captain states and I bite my lip.

"Do you have transports? Like Holly said, we need to hurry. The absence of a Queen will not be left alone for long." Qui- Gon asks urgently, the captain nods.

"In the main hanger. This way." He leads us down some hallways, every corner I peek my head around and scout first making sure we're not spotted. Soon we make it to the hanger doors and hide behind the wall.

"There are too many of them." The captain exclaims in defeat. I put my hand on his shoulder in comfort.

"Don't worry. That won't be a problem. Your highness, under the circumstances I suggest you come to Coruscant with us." Qui- Gon turns to the Queen. I feel eyes on me and I glance around, meeting a pair of blue I shrug at him. He shakes his head and turns away. I frown and turn back to assessing the situation. That was strange.

"Thank you ambassador but my place is with my people." The Queen denies his invitation and I purse my lips in agitation. This is taking too long, I'm afraid the droids will catch us.

"They will kill you if you stay." Qui- Gon counters.

"They can't. They need her to sign a treaty making this whole deal legal. No Queen, equals no signature. No signature equals no treaty, and no treaty equals not legal." I explain to them, fiddling with my necklace. I make eye contact with Padmé and nod at her.

"There is something else behind all this, Your Highness. There's no logic in the Federation's move here. My feelings tell me they will destroy you." Qui- Gon says and I pop out my head, making sure the droids don't hear us.

"Our only hope is for the senate to side with us. Senator Palpatine will need your help." The governor tells her. She thinks for a moment.

"Either choice presents great danger... To us all." She looks at Padmé who nods her head and says;

"We are brave, Your Highness." The "Queen"
looks back up at Qui- Gon.

"If you are to leave Your Highness, it must be now." The jedi master encourages and I bite my lips, shifting on my feet.

Universe Jumper (Book 1) In the Beginning {Obi Wab Kenobi}Where stories live. Discover now