Chapter 10

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   Got this one from "Characters By Zodiac" Written by amdetmer go check her out!
   It was the day of the race, that was obvious. I mean, I'm not a fan girl for nothing. Anyway, back to what was happening.

   "I feel like shit." I mutter under my breath as Jar Jar, Qui- Gon, Watto, and I walk- or fly in Watto's case- along. And I was stumbling. I didn't feel to hot after that vision and almost threw up this morning. Well, to be more accurate I was feeling TOO hot. Shmi was extremely concerned when she got up and saw me leaning over a bowl in the sink.

   She asked me if I was alright and asked me if I need food. I had shaken my head then, promptly threw up in the bowl. That little bit of movement enough to send me over the edge. She had rushed to take care of me, asking what had happened, how did this happen, and if I was okay to go today.

   I had assured her that I was alright while wiping my mouth and forehead with the cool cloth she gave me. By the time the others had woken up, I have fixed myself up the best I could and tried to get my fever down. Shmi gave me a glass of cool water and had put a cold washcloth around my neck before we left so that I would be okay. It did help, but I still feel horrible. And barely getting any sleep didn't help either.

   "I wanna see your spaceship the moment the race is over." Watto told Qui- gon as we strolled down the line of pods.

   "Patience my blue friend. You'll have your winnings before the suns set. And we'll be far away from here." Qui- Gon replies and I manage out a smug smirk. Yes we will Qui- Gon. Yes we will.

   "Not if your ship belongs to me I think huh? I warn you, no funny business. " Watto retaliates and laughs slightly as we stop walking. I stumble a little and Jar Jar surprisingly catches me, setting me upright. I smile at him thankfully and look to Watto.

   "Watto. Riha doi tee soong, jeejee tee dotke du wa bekiola che mebenbe yanee." Judging from our situation, we aren't in a position for funny business. I say simply with a strained and rather grimacing smile. He nods at me then double takes in concern.

   "Doth uba ahu? Uba lova num, yeee, nacae." Are you alright? You seem, eh, sick. He states, actually showing some concern for me in his voice. Jar Jar and Qui- Gon follow our conversation, not understanding but trying to. I wave my hand, dismissing his concern and gritting my teeth against the starting headache.

   "Tagwa, Dobra luto. cha donee vehpobaee mi." Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I state and turn back to Qui- Gon, motioning for him to go ahead with what he was going to say.

   "You don't think Anakin can win?" Qui- Gon questions him, placing his hands on his hips after giving me a long once over with his eyes.

   "Don't get me wrong, no. I have great faith in the boy. He's a credit to your race, but uh, Sebulba there is going to win I think." Watto gestures to our lady and I look through the side of my hood, pulled forward enough the not everybody can see my face but only those near me could. A female like me looking as sick as I did and felt? Recipe for disaster.

   "Oh no!" Jar Jar spits out in slight panic and I sigh in disgust, watching the blue twi'lek girls pamper him. I curl my lip and turn back around, resisting the urge to vomit again as the pounding in my skull steadily grew. I wish I had some Advil right now.

   "Why do you think that?" Qui- Gon questions, a less-than-impressed look on his face as his eyes lock onto the Dug.

   "He always wins!" Watto laughs and flys around us again before hovering on Qui- Gon's other side.

   "I am betting heavily on Sebulba!" Watto boasts and I grin lightly as my eyes dart up to Qui- Gon's face. Here it comes, the deal that seals Anakin's freedom.

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