Chapter 3

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Holly is the picture above⬆️⬆️


"Master? Are you in here?" I ask cautiously, walking through the gardens. I had changed in the three years I was present in this universe. Instead of sixteen, I was now nineteen and had grown in body, mind, spirit and had trained under master Yoda.

I wore green and black Jedi robes, brown boots, and when on missions or errands a black cloak. My hair had grown longer and was kept up in a braid, usually swirled into a bun with the braid hanging down my back. Half of my hair had turned a more brilliant red, so I now had two different shades of red in my hair. Why? I don't know. My eyes had turned a more brilliant shade of green also, maybe it's because of the force.

Speaking of my Jedi studies, I had grown extremely force sensitive the longer I had been here and was soon training vigorously. My Padawan braid tied off with a electric green bead, and my twin double-bladed lightsabers reminded me of the weight and responsibility now on my shoulders. Yoda has been an amazing master, teaching me everything about the force, the galaxy, even different languages. I could speak many now, fluently, in just THREE YEARS! Apparently not only my body and spirit have been enhanced by being here, but so has my mind and capacity to learn things. Speaking of my master, he told me to meet him in the gardens, in our meditation spot.

"Master Yoda?" I ask again and walk through the curtain of hanging leaves to see my master sitting cross legged in the middle of the grass.

"Hmmm. Upset with yourself you are. Come, tell me you shall." He states and slowly opens his eyes to stare into mine. I take a breath in and sit cross legged in front of my master.

"I... could not seem to finish the training exercise master. I fear that... I am not good enough. Especially for my lightsabers. You said they chose me, that these lightsabers have waited for centuries since the first Jedi's created them, to find me, but I do not understand why. Surely there is someone... better, more powerful." I say shyly, still the same in personality as I was years ago. He hums and reaches across to my hand.

"Told you I have, doubt yourself you should not. Uncertainty you still have, wondering why you were chosen hmm...." He pauses and I inhale shakily.

"Bothering you, other things are." He states. Not a question, a statement. I nod my head, my mind going to the movies. I had been watching them constantly trying to figure out everything I could. I also seem to get visions of different things that happen or will happen around the galaxy.

"My visions, master they are stronger. Most of them are dark, the future is.... clouded." I shifted uncomfortably after speaking and he laughs. I end up smiling, my body relaxing. Yoda doesn't usually show physical affection to anyone, but after three years by his side he seems to have taken a liking to me and shows me affection like a father would his daughter. I had told him of my knowledge and he agreed I would need to keep it a secret.

"Hm. Visions you have, trouble you they do. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hatred, hatred leads to suffering. Fear them you should not." He tells me and I nod.

"I know master. But, why did you call me here? Surely it wasn't to just talk." I smile slightly at him.

"Heh. Can see through others you can, good gift this is. Mission for you I have, Trade Federation blockaded Naboo have they. Go with Master Qui- Gon And Obi Wan you will, oversee negotiations you shall." My mouth drops open in shock.

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