Chapter 31

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"I've got a bad feeling about this." I mutter to him as we follow Jango to Geonosis. Don't get me wrong, the Battle of Geonosis is awesome! It's really cool. I just don't know how I'm gonna survive getting captured by Dooku. Ugh. Dooku.

"It'll be fine." He waves his hand dismissively and I glare.

"You know. That's what Qui Gon said before we almost were murdered on the Fed ship. And I was right then too. Maybe you should listen to the future knower." He raises his eyebrows and looks back at me.

"Future knower?" His tone was one of amusement. I glare and smack his head. He winces.

"I hope you burn in Hell." I growl while he laughs. We start flying through the rings and I purse my lips.

   "Be careful." I hiss and he nods as Jango's ships shoots glowing things from the back. I remember what they are just when he says-

   "Seismic charges! Stand by." He says and dips below the range as it explodes. I shriek quietly and scrunch down, shutting my eyes.

    "Oh I hate this so so so much. Why did I agree to this?! I should've given her back the necklace. Why did I take the necklace?!" I squeal and let myself flash into the quick vision.

   "He doesn't seem to take a hint this guy." Jango's voice sounds before a few more twirls jolt me out of their ship and back into ours.

   "I HATE YOU! Why did you drag me here!" I screech, gripping his seat tightly as Jango starts shooting.

    "Blast this is why I hate flying!" He shouts back, our signatures blend together as we both become anxious.

   "We're going to die and it's all your fault!!" I screech again and I could basically hear his eyes roll.

   "We aren't going to die Holly!" He makes another sharp turn and flip and I scream, my knuckles turning white as I grab the necklace.

   One hits us and I momentarily forget we get out of this. As soon as I remember I breath easy but can't help but let out a squeak at every other bump.

   "R4, prepare to jettison the spare parts canisters.....Fire them now!" I hear explosions behind us as he hides the ship behind a giant asteroid. I gasp for breath, leaning backwards in the small space and running a hand through my hair.

   "I'm going to kill Ani next time I see him." I growl and Obi wan laughs. I feel a grin stretch my lips and soon I'm laughing as well.

   It fades off as we make it to the surface of the planet and I look in slight surprise at how much it looks like a desert from Earth. He feels my surprise.

   "What's wrong?" He inquires as we make our way towards one of the few settlements.

   "It''s like earth. Well, a desert on earth anyway. Naboo is more like Earth than anything. I used to wake up and think I was still on earth when I lived with Padmé." I smile slightly, though it was sad.

   "You miss your home?" He inquires and I shrug, watching the lights turn into buildings.

   "Sometimes." We left it at that.

   "There's an unusual concentration of Federation Ships over there." He states, frowning as we make our way past them. I see a canyon and know that where he lands in the movie.

   "Over there. We don't want them to see a Jedi cruiser. May make for a....harsh welcome. Like, Draco Malfoy-Harry Potter same compartment on the train situation." He gives me a confused looks and I sigh, facepalming as we land.

Universe Jumper (Book 1) In the Beginning {Obi Wab Kenobi}Where stories live. Discover now