Chapter 17

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   "She's more foolish than I thought." Sidious says in interest as they walk along.

   "We are sending all troops to meet this army assembling near the swamp. It appears to be made of primitives." The Viceroy explains. I glance at Darth Maul, but his face remains impassive. They still have no knowledge of me at all. Then why was I able to touch Obi wan?

   "This will work to our advantage."  Sidious smirks.

   "I have your approval to proceed then my lord?" The Viceroy asks eagerly and I look back towards the Sith Lord.

   "Wipe them out. All of them." He sneers and I gulp, being pulled back to the present. I blink rapidly to clear my vision and see Padmé and the others waiting for me.

   "They're in the palace all right. Now we just have to get to them." I whisper as we crouch in a hidden area by the wall.  Padmé nods swiftly to me and we creep until we can see the opposite side of the courtyard.

   I feel someone grab my hand and look down, seeing Ani's worried face. I squeeze his hand, kissing his forehead.

   The Gungans, along with Jar Jar, has been sent out earlier and should be on the battlefield about now. I feel the constant pressure of the visions in my head. It'll get so much worse when we all separate.

   Padmé flashes her little light and I see Panaka do the same. Qui- Gon kneels down next to us and takes the little boys shoulders in his hands.

   "Once we get inside, you find a safe place to hide and stay there." He tells him sternly. Ani glances at me then looks back at the master.

   "Sure." He pipes and Qui- Gon gives him The Look. You know which one. The "don't you dare do anything else Mr./Ms." look that your parents give you or your sibling when they're little. Yes, exactly! That look.

   "Stay there." He says again then stands up. I smile at Ani and side hug him.

   "Don't worry Ani. You'll be okay. Your a strong little boy." I whisper, kissing his temple and standing with the others.

   Suddenly an explosion sounded. I jump back in surprise. Obi grabs my waist to steady me and I blush but ignore it, if I turned around I would have seen him blushing to but I didn't. Totally. I need to stop huh?

   "Well, that's one way to get their attention." I mutter as we run, he huffs a laugh next to me and I grin. They take out their lightsabers and I my staffs, deflecting blasts and bashing droids.

   We open the doors to the hangar and start destroying droids, working toward releasing the pilots.

   "Anakin! Find a safe place to hide!" I shout, he looks at me in a panic and I take a moment to kiss his forehead.

   "Go Ani!" I push him away and he sprints toward the ships. I join the others, protecting Padmé the most.

   "Get to your ships!" She yells through the carnage and the pilots quickly set the fighters up. Sliding in, soon nearly all of them were out of the hanger.

   I duck under a shot and slam my staff into its chest, crumpling the metal and damaging the wiring. I sense another behind Me but before I could turn a flash of blue slices it in half.

   "Careful. Don't want that arm to get hurt again." He teases and I roll my eyes, a smile on my lips.

   "Sure, Sith Lord. Laugh it up. I'll save YOUR butt one day, just wait." We continue destroying droids, nearly back to back the whole time.

   Soon the hangar was empty except for our group, and we take a slight breather. I put a hand to my head and scrunch up my face, resisting the visions.

Universe Jumper (Book 1) In the Beginning {Obi Wab Kenobi}Where stories live. Discover now