Chapter 18

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Later that night, before Qui- Gon's funeral, I'm standing next to Obi wan while Yoda paces in front of us.

"Confer on you, the level of Jedi night the council does. But agree, with your taking this boy as your padawan learner. I do not." He croaks out.

I glance down, to where Obi was kneeling and smile a little. I was also offered the title of knight, but refused. I told them that this was Obi wan's moment, and that I still had more to learn. I had felt pride from my master at that and was now here with him to talk.

"Qui- Gon believed in him." Obi states. My master sighs heavily, glancing at me.

"The chosen one, the boy may be. Nevertheless grave danger I fear in his training!" Yoda retaliates and I slump my shoulders. But I'll change that.

"Master Yoda. I gave Qui- Gon my word. I will train Anakin. Without the approval of the council if I must." Obi refused to back down. Yoda grumbles, pacing again, and turning his back.

"Qui- Gon's defiance I sense in you. Need that you do not. Agree with you the council does. Your apprentice, Skywalker will be." Yoda tells him. Obi bows his head and gets up to leave. He turns back.

"Are you coming Holly?" He questions, I look at my master and shake my head. The new knight's confused face grows deeper.

"There are things I must discuss with Master Yoda. I'll catch up okay?" I wave my hand and he nods, going out of the building. I turn to my master and sit cross legged.

"I set Darth Maul on fire." I start the conversation in a casual tone and Yoda coughs in surprise.

"Quickly are your powers progressing. Training we will need to do. Other things, on your mind there has been. Darker things.." It wasn't a question, and he knew I knew it. My thoughts flicker to Palpatine and I grimace.

"There is a problem. But..... I think I know some solutions. I'll need some time though. I'm confident it'll turn out well this time." I say, furrowing my eyebrows at all the things I could do. He hums and pokes me with his stick.

"Close, You and Kenobi are. Stronger, your force signature is with him." I sit up straighter and my face flushed. Oh COME ON!

"Hehehe. Obvious it is. Mask your feelings, you must." I raise my eyes to meet his amused ones. Suddenly confusion grows in my gut.

"Wait. You're not going to kick me out? I thought attachments were forbidden??" I inquire, sitting forward. He laughs again and leans on his cane.

"Attachment. This is not. Love. It is. Seeds of love have been planted, already in bloom, they are." He pokes my heart with his clawed finger and my mouth hangs open a little. His eyes twinkle in amusement and I blink.

"You're making fun of me! I can't believe this." I cover my blushing face with my hands and shake my head while getting up. We walk out and down the steps while he laughs and I continue being embarrassed.

It was late night now, and we stood before a burning body of Qui- Gon. I'm standing next to Anakin.

"What will happen to me now?" Ani asks Obi. Obi leans over to answer him.

"The council has given me permission to train you. You will be a Jedi. I promise." He explains to the little boy.

I smile slightly. Yes. And you will NEVER become a Sith. I see Yoda and Windu discussing something from the corner of my eye, knowing what they said I glance over to Palpatine. He's a good actor. But I won't be fooled. And soon.... nobody else will be either.

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