Chapter 26

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   We stand in front of the council, I casually have my hand on my hip and lost in thought. How am I going to get Ani away from Palpantine? Do I get invited to the wedding? I hope I'm invited to their wedding. What about his mother? OH MY GOD HIS MOTHER-

   "Padawan Woods, is something wrong?" I hear Windu question and my eyes blink rapidly. I realize my panic had flashed through the force and they were all looking at me.

    "What? Fine? Yeah. Psh. I'm good. Just mentally going over the checklist. The checklist to make sure a person doesn't die. WHICH by the way, is very important. Ani. I'll talk to you about it later. But, anyway. Yeah I'm fine." I laugh and grin awkwardly as they all blink in concern.

    "Who dies?" Ani inquires, stepping forward. I laugh nervously and glance around.

   "Okay loaded pistol. We have to talk about this somewhere else. First off, it's YOUR business. Second, these guys aren't exactly..... simpatico with the current happenings. And, well, we need to get through the whole- assassin was assassinated while assassinating thing. I'm sure you understand." I nod rapidly, my eyes telling him to drop it. He does and steps back, relaxing his shoulders.

   "What do you mean, we're not simpatico?" Windu inquires to me and I roll my eyes, sighing heavily. How to go about this.....

   "You don't know. You won't know. And if you did you'd try to change it. BUT, since you don't know anything because of the man in the chair that's evil- you'd end up screwing things up. Everything will make sense eventually. Trust in the force. And me." I run my mouth, mentally realizing I had just given them a clue about Sidious. Great job Holly. Smart.

   Windu glances at Yoda who hums and nods. That's apparently good enough for everyone else and they all lose interest in me, and focus back on the other two. I relax, and decide to push my thoughts about the future away for now.

   "Track down this bounty hunter, you must Obi wan." Yoda states, leaning forward. My master meets my eyes and I flick them towards the floor.

"Most importantly, find out who he's working for." Windu continues. I frown slightly, why is it that only like, two other Jedi masters ever talk besides these two? In the movies I don't see them talk once. That's so weird.

"What about Senator Amidala? She will still need protecting." Obi wan asks in confusion. I shoot him a glare and use the force to yank a piece of his hair. 'Gee thanks'. I say through our force bond. He sends me an apologetic glance.

"Handle that.....your padawan will." Yoda answers and the two Jedi next to me look slightly shocked at the order. I blink when I realize something.

"Master....what should I do? I would protect Senator Amidala but if that is being handled by Ani, what is left for me?" I inquire, stepping forward and bowing my head respectfully.

"Go with Obi wan, you will. He will need help, I sense." My master tells me, and as I look up to meet his eyes I feel a undertone of mischief through our bond. Heat rises to my face but I shove it down, pressing my lips together.

"Of course master." I say and stand to the side again. I could feel his amusement through our bond and shoot him a look. He just smiles back at me. I sigh. Well, even Yoda ships us. That's just great......

"Anakin, escort the senator back to her home planet of Naboo. She'll be safer there. And don't use registered transport, travel as refugees." Windu instructs the other padawan, Ani grimaces slightly.

"As the leader of the opposition it will be very difficult get Senator Amidala to leave the capital." He explains, gazing over them.

"Until caught this killer is... our judgement she must respect." Yoda chimes in, humming and putting his hands together. I look my master over. He was not as old as he will be when Luke and Leia are trained, but he is still old.

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