Chapter 30

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My eyes flutter open to gentle hands pushing me awake. I groan and open my eyes, blinking in confusion when I see Taun We standing over me.

"What...?" Something shimmering was on her arm and she was smiling.

"Come. We must get you ready for the tour. Your Husband is in the shower and while he is there I'll help you get dressed. The Minister gave you a dress." I tried not to show my horror at her words and get up slowly.

   "A...dress?" I ask meekly and she nods.

   "I do hope you like it. It is lovely." She smiles again, her eyes blinking at me innocently and I sigh. I knew I could never say no.

   "Alright." I mumble and she smiles brighter, immediately getting started.

   By the time Obi Wan was out I was finished. My hair was in my regular hair style, but I was dressed in the dress she gave me. I tried not to be uncomfortable but I couldn't help it.

   It was truly beautiful, but would never be my style. It had a lacy top, that was see through, so my white bra was placed under it. (It was meant to go bra-less but no way in hell was I letting that happen). It had a beautiful white skirt that dragged along behind me.

   It was very soft, and I had no complaints

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   It was very soft, and I had no complaints. I was barefoot- as she did not have any shoes. When Obi wan walked out he froze. I sighed and looked out the window.

   "Yeah. I know. But I couldn't just say no-" I'm stopped. At first I didn't realize why, then I felt the warmth again my lips. Second I was freaking out. I froze as his lips move against mine, he nips my bottom lip and I gasp, melting into his grip and kissing him back.

   My hands go to his hair, where I tug it slightly and he groans, gripping my hips tightly. I lose myself again in his embrace and suddenly come back to myself.

   "Oh my god!" I yelp and stumble away, running a hand through my hair. His arms are still around my waist and as I look up his blue eyes are torn and conflicted.

   "I'm sorry. I've tried to keep the feelings to myself, as they're against the code. But...Holly ten years ago I lost you. You left. And it tore a hole in me, that only you being back could fill.

   I love you. You must know this. I know this isn't okay, that we're going against everything we've been taught, but please. If you feel anything, tell me." His eyes are pleading and I freeze, my hands start to shake.

   "I-I." Words get caught in my throat as his hands trail down my arms lightly, leaving goosebumps. I shiver, biting my lip as he grabs my hands.

   "Please." He whispers, tugging me so he can rest his hands on my waist. I simply blink at him in shock. Holly?!? Hello?!? Holly.exe has stopped working?!? Now?!?

   "W-we can't....the code..." I protest weakly, but know it's no use. I'm already hooked. One kiss was all it took. He places his forehead on mine and nuzzles my nose, trailing his hand up my spine and making my breath catch.

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