Chapter 35

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"You're Insane. Padmé, you believe her?!"

"That's kinda the point Ani. I am insane. But I'm also here to save your life."


I groaned, rubbing a hand over my eyes as I stare down at the words on the page. The old paper crinkled under my hands and the light from my phone tells me it was almost 5 am. I had been down here since 9 the previous night.

I draw my sweater closer, hunching over to conserve body heat and get closer to the old book.

Yes, I was back in the library. After telling Ani and Obi my story, we had stayed on Naboo for another two weeks before coming back to the Temple. By then, the masters had agreed to make me a knight. Apparently my show of bravery and self sacrifice against Dooku DID count for something.

I swore Yoda had wet eyes as he cut off my braid and dubbed me a knight, his eyes shone with a proudness that would stick with me my whole life.

After that, I had gone straight to my room to sleep. Because my brain had been working overdrive.

I hadn't told anyone about the hidden Sith Temple. No. It was hidden, this well of knowledge was hidden for a reason. Especially since there are things here the Jedi archives would never have.

I learned more about the Sith and Jedi. The difference they fought over, the things they agreed upon. I even found new forms that had been lost to time- forms involving flips and maneuvers coupled with a tamed fierceness normal Jedi would never try.

So what did I do? I tried it. Duh.

It was something grey Jedi had come up with, a perfect balance between the light forms and harsher dark forms. Switching between defense and offense, deceptiveness as well as fleeting glimpses of future moves. There were quite a few flips too.

I had only managed to successfully learn one, and they were difficult as fluff. But this means I would have a jump on all the new enemies in the next three years.

I groaned again, leaning back in the chair and staring up at the ceiling. I don't remember much of the clone wars, the TV show at least. I knew Maul would come back, there was Satine, Ahsoka, and Ventress. Something about kidnapped force kids, Nightsisters, oh crap there's that one Zabrak dude.

   I frowned. Didn't the Nightsisters get...Massacred? Should I warn them? Maybe I should do some research on them, I mean, I'm sure someone wrote about them in here. From what I remember they're pretty chill, yeah they have dark magic but they're rather chill anyway. And Ventress comes from there, and she turns good, then dies.

   I feel a sink in my stomach as the weight settles there. This isn't good. I can't prevent everything. 

   What else is there? Aren't there those three people who are like, the embodiments of the forces? The...Son, father and daughter! Those I'll have to watch out for. Maybe I could save Ahsoka? There was a possibility, except I don't remember much about that. Bombs...something about bombs. I stretch my memory, thinking back. Ahsoka was framed, there were bombs...Barriss Offee? She was a padawan, she was friend with Ahsoka, she lost her way, yadda yadda. 

   But Ahsoka being seperated from the Jedi order is important....

No. It's important in canon. And just by TELLING them that Palpatine is Sidious, fluffs up canon. So it's safe to assume that her staying with the order won't make any difference, at least not in a long run. Besides, if it goes to crap we need another Jedi to help us train the younglings.

Well. I also remember that utterly creepy episode with the worms. I shuddered in my seat, shaking my head and muttering To myself.

"I refuse to be anywhere near those things. Sorry 'Soka, you're on your own." Could never get those things out of my head. Ever.

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